The role of the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) is to provide independent assurance that public money is properly managed and spent to good effect and to contribute to improvements in public administration. C&AG Website
The role of the office is to:
In implementing this mandate account is taken of the special considerations which attach to the management of public funds including the requirements of probity and sound corporate governance.
The C&AG publish an analysis of PPP project costs in the Exchequer Financial Outturn chapter of the Report on the Accounts of the Public Services .
The European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC) is a joint initiative of the EIB, the European Commission and European Union Member States and Candidate Countries. EPEC helps strengthen the capacity of its public sector members to enter into PPP transactions.
The European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC) is a joint initiative of the EIB, the European Commission and European Union Member States and Candidate Countries. EPEC helps strengthen the capacity of its public sector members to enter into Public Private Partnership (PPP) transactions. With the support of a full time Executive made up of experienced PPP professionals, EPEC’s Members share experience and expertise, analysis and best practice relating to all aspects of PPPs.
Central Guidance
Guidelines for the Use of Public Private Partnerships (PPP)
Technical Guidance Note: Assessment of Projects for Procurement as PPPs
Stakeholder Consultation for Employees and their Representatives
Technical Guidance Note: Compilation of a Public Sector Benchmark
Guidelines for the Reporting Arrangements, Role and Function of a Process Auditor in a Public Private Partnership Project
Technical Note: Value for Money and the Public Private Partnership Procurement Process
Guidelines to State authorities regarding the National Development Finance Agency
Other Guidance
PPPs Clarification of Eurostat Rules Guidance Note on the Accounting Treatment of Capital Projects for General Government Purposes
This document lists the main representative clauses used to date in PPP contracts in Ireland. The compendium document is not a complete set of clauses i.e. it does not represent an entire project specific agreement but rather provides a broad template of the main representative clauses to assist in the compilation of contracts, in consultation with legal advisors. The clauses presented in the compendium may need to be amended to reflect the specific requirements of each project.