Sustainable Development Goals
From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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In September 2015, all 193 United Nation Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ("Transforming our World").
The 2030 Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. The focus of the 2030 Agenda is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets.
For more information, please see the below background notes:
In Ireland, a whole-of-Government approach has been adopted for implementation of the SDGs, with each Minister having specific responsibility for implementing individual SDG targets related to their Ministerial functions.
The Department for the Environment, Climate and Communications has overall responsibility for promoting the SDGs and overseeing their coherent implementation across Government, including the development of the National Implementation Plans and reporting frameworks.
The SDG Senior Officials Group (SOG) and the Sustainable Development Goals Interdepartmental Working Group (IDWG) support implementation and a whole-of-Government approach. Both groups play a key role in identifying priorities, overseeing and monitoring progress, and ensuring officials from across Government Departments work together to incorporate the SDGs into their work and stakeholder engagements.
The SDG data governance board (SDG-DGB) was established to source, develop, and report on the statistical data for the indicators in each of the SDGs and interlinked targets. The identification and management of national data needed to meet Ireland’s SDG reporting requirements is undertaken by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
Each Government Department has an SDG point of contact. Please see the list of contacts here.
The SDG Policy Map enhances the ability of stakeholders to track Ireland’s implementation of specific SDGs and associated targets. It also supports and enhances cross-Government engagement in implementing each of the Goals and Targets.
The SDG Policy Map is intended to remain a living document and was last updated in October 2022.
The SDG National Implementation Plans set out the overarching national governance, coordination and monitoring framework for the SDGs. The detailed policy approaches to progress individual SDGs and targets are addressed in relevant national policies as set out in the SDG Policy Map.
The Second National Implementation Plan for the Sustainable Development Goals 2022-2024 was published on 5 October 2022. It was developed in collaboration with all Government Departments, key stakeholders, and based on input from two public consultation processes. The new Plan builds on the structures and mechanisms set out in the first Sustainable Development Goals National Implementation Plan.
The SDG National Stakeholder Forum was established to inform further development of the national SDG framework, and to provide a mechanism for stakeholders from all sectors to discuss and workshop innovative ideas and solutions for achieving the SDGs in Ireland.
Each year an SDG Forum Committee will be appointed from a variety of sectors and backgrounds to develop the work plan for the Forum for that year and to design a well-publicised, accessible and inclusive National Stakeholder Forum format.
Details of the 2024 Committee can be found here.
The SDG Champions programme was established to raise public awareness of the SDGs through partnership and promotion. The Champions, through their organisational practices, illustrate ways in which organisations and individuals can contribute to achieving the SDGs. The initiative has been successful in raising awareness of the SDGs across different communities and groups with many of the Champions focusing on Goal specific areas.
In 2019, 12 Champions were chosen to take part in Ireland's first SDG Champions Programme.
For the 2023-2024 SDG Champions Programme 26 Champions were appointed.
For the 2024-2025 Programme, 20 champions have been selected from across the public, private, community, voluntary, youth and NGO sectors and are represented by larger, national organisations and smaller, community groups.
Find out more about this year’s SDG Champions here .
The UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) is responsible for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda at international level. The HLPF meets annually in the UN headquarters in New York and features inputs from national governments, intergovernmental bodies, relevant UN agencies, civil society and other stakeholders.
Countries are encouraged to review implementation of the SDGs regularly and present Voluntary National Reviews (VNR).
Ireland presented our first VNR at the UNHLPF in 2018 and was also present at the 2022 HLPF.
Ireland's second Voluntary National Review (VNR) was submitted to the UN in early June and was presented at the 2023 UNHLPF in New York. The 2023 VNR is based on the theme of 'Building Back Better While Leaving No One Behind' and includes input from Government Department, stakeholder groups, and civil society, including a contribution from youth representatives.
SDG Week celebrates and raises awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. SDG Week forms part of the wider European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW). Ireland’s third Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Week was held between 20 and 29 September 2024. SDG Week celebrates and raises awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. Over 198 events were organised across Ireland, with over 4,000 activities taking place across 39 countries in Europe.
If you would like to be added to the SDG mailing list to receive updates on SDG developments and initiatives please email
GeoHive is a collaboration platform for reporting on progress towards the goals and sharing information on related initiatives. Ireland's progress against each goal is measured using a set of United Nations (UN) global and European Union (EU) agreed targets and indicators.
The GeoHive highlights Ireland's progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and provides information on SDG initiatives and data on all of the SDGs.