Working Time Directive implemented for Defence Force personnel
From Department of Defence; Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
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From Department of Defence; Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
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The Tánaiste and Minister for Defence Micheál Martin and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke have today welcomed the implementation of the Working Time Directive across the Defence Forces with immediate effect.
Like employees in most other sectors, members of the Defence Forces will now enjoy the protections of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997, which sets out statutory rights for employees in respect of daily breaks, weekly rest, and maximum working time over a given period and annual leave.
This follows the signing of the European Communities (Organisation of Working Time) (Defence Forces) Regulations 2025, by Minister Burke, bringing members of the Defence Forces under the ambit of the Organisation of Working Time Act.
Speaking today, the Tánaiste said:
"The implementation of the Working Time Directive has long been identified as an important retention measure for serving members and it is a significant further step in the transformation of the Defence Forces in line with my commitment to cultural change. As such, it has been a key priority for me.
"The provisions in the Act - including daily and weekly rest and maximum weekly working time over a 17-week period - will now apply to the vast majority of Defence Forces members, including members of the Reserve who deploy in support of the Permanent Defence Force.
"I want to thank my colleague, Minister Burke, officials of his department, the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, my senior officials and team, Defence Forces’ Management, and the Representative Associations for the extensive and concentrated work on what is a further positive development for the Defence Forces.”
Upon signing the legislation, Minister Burke said:
"Our Defence Forces play a pivotal role in both domestic and global affairs, showing dedication and courage day in and day out. The government continues to take pro-active measures to support this incredible work.
"My department has worked closely with the Department of Defence in recent weeks and months to progress these measures, ensuring we are supporting members of our Defence Forces while at work, and I am glad to have now signed these important regulations. I have prioritised the application of the Organisation of Working Time Act across the Defence Forces as it is an important measure which will ensure that health and safety protections as prescribed in the Working Time Directive are afforded to its members, like they are to employees in most other sectors of the workforce.”
Due to their specific nature, a number of military activities will be exempt from the provisions of the Working Time Directive. However, the Tánaiste has today implemented appropriate health and safety protections, including prescribed compensatory rest periods, for those involved in such tasks.
Reflecting the critical and valuable service that personnel deployed overseas contribute, The Tánaiste has also approved, as an additional health and safety protection, the provision of one home reunion flight for personnel deployed for a period of 6 months overseas, in circumstances where, for security reasons, it is not possible to take annual leave in-theatre.
The Chief of Staff, Lt Gen Sean Clancy, welcomed the development saying:
"The signing of the Working Time Directive for the Defence Forces marks a pivotal moment in our ongoing efforts at improving the working conditions in Óglaigh na hÉireann. This crucial step will benefit all members by addressing issues around work-life balance, setting clear limits on work hours and ensuring adequate rest periods for our personnel. By aligning with contemporary workplace standards, we're not only improving the quality of life for our current members but also making the Defence Forces a more attractive career option for those considering a career in the Defence Forces. This initiative, part of our broader transformation agenda, underscores our commitment to creating a more supportive, equitable, and efficient organisation that can meet the challenges of the 21st century.”
The Organisation of Working Time Act transposes the European Union Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC) (WTD). The WTD includes provisions for entitlements to breaks, minimum weekly rest periods, maximum weekly working time, minimum paid annual leave entitlements and provisions regarding night work.
When transposing the Directive, Ireland provided for exclusions in Section 3(1) of the OWTA. Section 3(1) states that the Act shall not apply to members of the Defence Forces. At the time of transposition, it was considered that this exclusion aligned with the WTD.
However, since transposition it has become clear through rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the 2017 interpretive communication on the WTD from the European Commission (C/2017/2601) that exemptions from EU Directives must be considered restrictively and it has been determined through EU case law that exemptions from the WTD may only apply to specific activities, as opposed to a sector in its entirety.
The removal of the blanket exemption in the Organisation of Working Time Act for members of the Defence Forces is a significant positive development for individual members who will now fully enjoy the protections of the Working Time Directive including daily and weekly rest breaks and maximum working hours over a given reference period;
It is also a significant further step in the transformation of the Defence Forces in line with the Tánaiste’s commitment to culture change to ensure that the Defence Forces is an equal opportunities employer, reflective of contemporary Irish society and that is providing a safe workplace;
Since the Tánaiste approved a civilian-military management position last year, relating to the implementation of the Working Time Directive across the Defence Forces (which included a range of health and safety protections for certain activities, deemed to be outside its scope, due to their specific nature), officials in the Department of Defence have been engaging with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on the development of a legislative mechanism, to remove the blanket exemption, while also providing the necessary underpinning for exempted activities;
The measures providing the necessary underpinning required for those agreed health and safety protections associated with military activities which are deemed to be exempt from the scope of the Directive due to their specific nature will also come into immediate effect. This will be achieved through amendments to the existing Defence Force Regulatory Framework, to give certainty to the provision of rest periods after the completion of each exempted activity, which the Tánaiste has signed today.