Consultation on National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process
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The McMahon Working Group to report to Government on Improvements to the Protection Process, including Direct Provision and Supports to Asylum Seekers submitted its report to Government in June 2015. The Working Group recommended the establishment of a standard-setting committee to reflect Government policy across all areas of service in Direct Provision.
A Standards Advisory Group was convened in 2017 comprising representatives from non-governmental organisations working with people seeking international protection, government departments and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Office in Ireland.
The draft standards are based on recommendations from the McMahon Working Group taking into account regulatory and legal requirements, in addition to human rights and equality laws and standards.
The Standard Advisory Group wishes to hear views on improvements which may be made to the Draft National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process.
The feedback received will be carefully considered and will inform the development of the final National Standards, which will apply to all service providers contracted by the Reception and Integration Agency (RIA) to operate and manage accommodation centres (also known as contractors).
Copy of the Draft National Standards is available here:
National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process
The simplest way to give feedback is through the online feedback form available here:
For further information or queries, please email
The consultation will run until 5pm on 25 September 2018.