Community Engagement
From International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS); Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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From International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS); Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
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Find out more about accommodation centres on state-owned lands:
The opening of new accommodation centres can raise questions in communities. It is important that local communities are supported by Government (both local and national) and that we work together collaboratively to promote integration of new arrivals and address any challenges.
The Community Engagement Team in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth engages directly with elected representatives, relevant Local Authorities, Local Development Companies, and other entities and individuals around the time of a new centre opening.
The team aims to improve the flow of information regarding arrivals into areas and to help equip local communities with accurate information, and to assist with the welcome and integration process for new arrivals.
The team also links with other stakeholders outside of immediate openings of centres to build relationships and networks with key groups. This includes meetings with Community Integration Fora, Local Development Companies (LDCs) and other non-governmental organisations.
The team engages with central government Departments and local services to provide information to assist with planning and activation of services.
Different sites and openings have different engagement needs and the team aims to be flexible to meet the needs of the community. Many communities are working with the team on openings of centres across the country and are happy to manage and facilitate new arrivals themselves with support from local authorities, local development companies or indeed other community groups. We are grateful for this support.
The CET has worked through or is currently engaged in the openings of a significant number of accommodation centres. Some of these have been a simple sharing of information through the relevant channels and others have involved more detailed meetings with local community groups, local officials, public representatives and other key stakeholders.
Contacting the Community Engagement Team
Please email