Blind Pension is a means-tested payment paid to blind and visually impaired people who are habitually resident in Ireland.
If you are getting the Blind Pension, you can take up employment or self-employment. The first €165 of weekly income from that employment (after deduction of PRSI, pension contributions and union dues) is disregarded for the purpose of the means test. 50% of your weekly earnings between €165 and €375 is then disregarded for the purpose of the means test. Any further earnings, over €375 per week, are fully assessed for the purpose of the means test.
Blind Pension can be taxed as a source of income.
To qualify for the Blind Pension, you must provide an eye test from an eye surgeon to verify your visual impairment.
If you are awarded a Blind Pension, you will automatically be entitled to the Free Travel Scheme. You will receive a:
You may also qualify for:
If you are blind or have a serious visual impairment before the age of 18, you should make your claim 4 months before your 18th birthday.
If you are aged 16 to 18, you may also qualify for Disablement Benefit.
If you become blind or seriously visually impaired after you turn 18, you should apply as soon as possible. This is important, as payment can only be made from the date we receive your application.
Blind Pension is not paid after you turn 66.
If you need full-time care, the person looking after you may qualify for a Carer's Allowance or Carer's Benefit.
If you are under 66 and you satisfy the relevant conditions, you may also qualify for:
You may receive a Blind Pension while you are getting Partial Capacity Benefit. We do not include your income from Partial Capacity Benefit when we do the means test for Blind Pension, but we do include your earnings from any other source.
The maximum personal rate for Blind Pension is €244 per week.
Weekly rate | ||
Personal rate | €244.00 | |
Increase for a Qualified Adult | €162.00 | |
Child Support Payment (previously known as Increase for a Qualified Child) |
Under 12 | Over 12 |
Full rate | €50.00 | €62.00 |
Half rate | €25.00 | €31.00 |
Your payment is made up of a personal rate for you and extra amounts for a qualified adult and any dependant children.
A qualified adult is a spouse or partner whose income is below a certain level. You receive an increase in your payment for them. You may also get an extra amount for your child, called Child Support Payment
To get this increase your child must:
To apply for Blind Pension, download and fill in the Blind Pension Application Form (BP1):
Application Form: Blind Pension (BP1)
Edition: September 2021
You can also get this form at your local:
Braille and audio cassette tape versions of this application form are available from Vision Ireland previously known as the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI). Staff in your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office will be happy to help you complete the form and can answer any questions you may have.
Please return your completed application form and relevant supporting documents to:
Operational guidelines describe the processes and procedures that staff in the department follow when carrying out their work.