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Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the health sector (2019 – 2024)

This is the first Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the health sector.

This Plan was developed under the National Adaptation Framework (2018) and the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015, using the Sectoral Planning Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation (2018).

The Plan identifies the main climate change-related impacts and risks we expect to face in the health sector in the coming years and identifies concrete measures we can take to build resilience and to reduce our vulnerabilities.

The main areas of focus in the plan are;

1. UV radiation and sun exposure

2. A worsening of air pollution due to climate change

3. Severe weather events that are likely to become more frequent (windstorms, heatwaves, flooding and extreme cold snaps.)

Without decisive adaptation action, climate change will have profound impacts for the health and wellbeing of people in Ireland, for the smooth delivery of our health and social care services, and for our critical infrastructure.

This adaptation plan will apply to:
  • Department of Health
  • Agencies of the Department of Health, including the Health Service Executive (HSE)
  • All relevant external organisations which provide services on behalf of the HSE
  • Non-HSE health sector services, including General Practice, private hospitals and nursing homes

A joint department-HSE project team developed and drafted the Plan, drawing on the views of the public, engagement with stakeholders, two literature reviews conducted by the department, and learning and expertise from adaptation planning in other sectors in Ireland and from health sector adaptation planning internationally.

A new Climate Change Oversight Group for the health sector, led by the Department of Health, will be established to oversee actions set out in the Plan.

The new Group will be inclusive and collaborative in its approach.

The Plan will be reviewed and updated after 3 years (or sooner, if appropriate).


Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Health Sector

Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Health Sector

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Literature Review

Health impacts of climate change and the health benefits of climate change action: a review of the literature

Lit Review of Health Impacts of Climate Change and Health Benefits of Climate Action

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Climate change adaptation in the health sector: a literature review

Lit Review Climate Change adaptation in the Health Sector

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