View and download government circulars. A circular is a written statement that provides information and guidelines on laws and procedures. This portal is in beta and is not yet complete with all circulars.
View and download government circulars. A circular is a written statement that provides information and guidelines on laws and procedures. This portal is in beta and is not yet complete with all circulars.
01/2025; 2 January 2025; Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform; Circular;
0001/2025; 2 January 2025; Department of Education; Circular;
20/2024: Requirements for Appropriation Accounts 2024; 20 December 2024; Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform; Circular;
LG(P) 05 .2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;
S.5 2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;
EL 03-2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;
EL 03-2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;
EL 02-2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;
Local Authority Chief Executives and Director General (Remuneration) (No. 2) Order, 2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;
EL 02-2024; 16 December 2024; Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Circular;