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The Scheme is reserved for appropriate not-for-profit small, regional and specialised museums that are not funded by the Arts Council or Fáilte Ireland.
2023 Scheme of Investment Aid for Commercial Non-Primary Producers in the Mushroom Sector and for Peat Replacement by Commercial Mushroom Producers
This scheme is intended to assist in increasing the efficiency and sustainability of mushroom growing
The Scheme of Investment Aid for the Seed Potato Sector is intended to assist in the development of the seed potato sector, by grant aiding capital investments in specialised plant and equipment including renewable energy, as well as technology adoption specific to the potato sector.
The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) offers Japanese Studies Student Scholarships to Irish undergraduates born between April 2, 1994 and April 1, 2006 to study at designated Japanese universities for a period of one year as part of their degree
Secondary school and college graduates can study in a Japanese university
A scheme to support greater regional and local access to material held in the National Collections.
The Multi Species Sward Measure aims to encourage farmers to sow multi-species swards
The Red Clover Silage Measure (RCSM) aims to encourage farmers to sow red clover silage swards
2024 Scheme of Investment Aid for the Development of the Commercial Horticulture Sector
The Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) is now taking applications from Irish students for the 2025 Japanese Government MEXT Research Student Scholarships.
The Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) is now taking applications from Irish students for the 2025 Japanese Government MEXT Undergraduate Student Scholarships.
2025 Scheme of Investment Aid for Innovation and Diversification in Horticulture (Capital Investments)
2025 Scheme of Investment Aid for Innovation and Diversification in Horticulture (Feasibility / Desk Studies)
2025 Scheme of Investment Aid for Process and Organizational Innovation in Horticulture for Large Enterprises
Workers have a number of rights when it comes to working in Ireland
An A1 Certificate is a document that confirms the country where a person pays their social insurance.
The aim of Abhaile is to help mortgage holders in arrears to find the best solutions for their circumstances
You must notify the Garda Commissioner four days before submitting an application
Facility allowing users access to the annual nitrogen and phosphorus statements from Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Get the latest news on bathing water quality in your area.
Facility that provides access to a linked data service for the Census 2011 results.
Access to data gathered from Census 2016.
Facility that allows users access central government accounts and value for money reports.
Data visualisation tools from the Central Statistics Office for the interrogation of data.
Cork City Council's Choice Based Letting Service allows registered users to express an interest in a particular property that meets their housing needs.
Facility allowing users to check Cork City's live planning database.
Access to written judgments made available by the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court and Circuit Court.
Access COVID-19 (Coronavirus) data on Ireland's open data portal
Facility that allows access to the current online exhibitions from the National Library.
Access to Dublin City Council meeting webcasts.
Facility allowing users to access Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council meeting webcasts.
Data visualisation tools from Eurostat for interrogation of data.
Access to Fingal County Council meeting webcasts.
Official circulars issued by various government departments and public bodies
This website provides information for staff, line managers and the HR community across the Civil and Public Service, on the HR policies that are in place.
Access to Irishgenealogy.ie, which allows users to search a wide range of record sources while looking for their Irish ancestry.
Access a variety of motor tax services
Access to Revised Acts, which brings together in a single text all amendments and changes to an Act.
Services and information for schools, teachers, special needs assistants and non-teaching staff in schools
Portal allowing users access information and resources from Donegal County Council and submit enquiries and feedback.
Facility showing monthly tax receipts from January 1984 to date.
Access to the Electronic Irish Statute Book, which includes the Acts of the Oireachtas and statutory instruments.
Contains information, guidelines and other resources relevant to the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
Access to a grouped list of primary and secondary legislation in force.
Facility for users to access the Herd Profile Enquiry system, which gives details of the animals in your herd.
Access to a range of statistical information related to different aspects of life in Ireland.
The Legal Diary contains lists of cases for hearing in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Central Criminal Court and the Circuit Courts.
Access to Sources, the National Library of Ireland's database for Irish research.
The open data portal provides access to official non-personal government data, in open format.
The Public Expenditure Databank sets out every aspect of government expenditure since 1994. Users can create tables and spreadsheets showing how government spending has evolved, whether for the whole government or for individual departments.
Facility that shows staff numbers in the public service, from 1980 onward.
Facility that provides access to the StatBank Application Programming Interface, which presents StatBank data in JSON-stat format.
Contact details for the Victims Support Service, which offers support to victims of crime.
SMEs are an integral part of Europe's economy
A monthly payment of €800 available to you if you are providing accommodation to a person or people who arrived in Ireland under the EU Temporary Protection Directive since March 2022
The Activation and Family Support Programme funds training supports and education for people on social welfare. These supports and funding are carried out with other organisations and agencies.
A non-competitive initiative that recognises primary and post-primary schools that focus on physical activities and physical education
Initiative to encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport.
This scheme ensures that essential classroom accommodation is available to cater for the number of pupils enrolled in the school
An Additional Needs Payment is available to you if you have essential expenses you cannot pay from your weekly income. You may get it even if you are not getting a social welfare payment.
Access all available application forms in relation to adoption.
Adoptive Benefit is €274 per week for 24 weeks. It is paid to an employed or self-employed person who adopts a child. You must be on adoptive leave from work and covered by social insurance (PRSI).
This is granted to teachers and special needs assistants who are adopting mothers or sole male adopters
This scheme provides financial support to encourage the planting of trees on land not previously under forest.
The After School Childcare Scheme supports low-income and unemployed people to take a job, increase the hours they work or take a place on employment programmes. The rate is €3 a day per child.
Check out the Department of Agriculture Food, and the Marine's online services
Payment rates and actions on Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES)
A voluntary training scheme open to farmers who apply for BPS
The Agriculture Appeals Office provides an appeals service to farmers who are dissatisfied with decisions of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine on schemes operated by the Department.
This scheme provided low-cost flexible working capital finance to help farmers deal with change in the sterling exchange rate and lower commodity prices in 2016 and 2017.
Agroforestry gives land owners the flexibility to graze and even cut silage and hay while growing trees for timber in the same field.
Supports are available for the storage of pigmeat, sheepmeat and beef when the price falls below a benchmark level in any EU member state.
View reports on air accidents and incidents.
Air traffic rights for non-scheduled flights (including charter flights)
There are many different types of alcohol licences available in Ireland
Find all health services
Allocation of teaching resources to primary and post-primary schools
Alternative working schemes for school staff
This grant covers the cost of employing secretarial and caretaker staff
If you deal with Animal By Products you must follow all appropriate rules and regulations.
Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is committed to high quality animal health surveillance.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine issues licences and approves animal semen services in order to protect animal health and improve traceability.
Animal Welfare and Nutrient Storage Scheme
In order to receive funding animal welfare organisations have to meet a series of operational standards to ensure the funds are used effectively.
The scheme gives financial aid to farmers to help improve animal welfare and production conditions.
Service for you to appeal to the Student Grants Appeals Board
How to make an appeal under Section 29 of the Education Act against a decision to permanently exclude or suspend a student from school or a refusal to enrol a student in a school
All registered packing centres are given a distinguishing number and are required to pay an annual registration fee.
Guidelines on eligibility for charitable status and how to apply for it
This application for compensation form can be filled out on behalf of a member of An Garda Síochána who died on duty due to a malicious injury
Application for a new or a renewal of existing license by private security contractors or employees
Buildings must meet welfare requirements and facilitate internal environmental controls regarding ventilation, temperature control and air movement.
All lands where potatoes for certified seed production are to be planted must be officially sampled and tested and found free of Potato Cyst Nematodes.
Apply for trade plates by using the form and return it to your local motor tax office.
Application forms for Environment Department - Kerry County Council
Application forms for Fire Services - Kildare County Council
Application forms for Roads, Transportation and Marine Department - Kerry County Council
These application forms are in PDF format and must be printed out and completed
Application form for organisations and persons seeking to be prescribe in accordance with section 5 of the Criminal Justice (Withholding of information on Offences Against Children or Vulnerable Persons)
Facility to apply for a Approved Driver Instructor Test.
Details of licences the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland administer.
Facility for users to apply for a Cattle Movement Monitoring System compliance certificate.
Facility to apply for a Certificate of Freedom for people who wish to marry abroad.
Local Authorities need permission to carry out certain work on or near bodies of water
Facility to apply for a Digital Tachograph Driver Card.
Apply for, reschedule or cancel the Driver Theory Test.
Book driving tests online.
Facility allowing users to apply for a Dublin City HGV permit.
How to apply for European Health Insurance Card.
The herd or flock number is issued to the person acting as the keeper of the animals and does not infer ownership of lands or any animals tested or kept under that herd number.
The stake amount for each game promoted under a Gaming Permit may not cost more than €10
A person can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate to have their preferred gender recognised. Once issued, the gender of the person on the certificate becomes that gender from that date forward.
Apply for a grant from SUSI
Application process for Heritage Council grants.
Facility that allows students to apply to the Central Applications Office (CAO) for third-level education courses.
Imports and exports of rough diamonds have to be authorised in Ireland
There are three different licences to store explosives
A ‘Transit the State’ Licence is applicable where a non-resident is travelling though the jurisdiction with a firearm, but not using their firearm
Apply for a limestone licence here.
It is an offence to promote a lottery without a permit
Facility for booking a National Car Test (NCT).
How to apply for a passenger boat licence
Online Irish Passport application facility
You need a Prospecting Licence to explore for specified minerals in Ireland
Portal which allows transport operators to apply for, or amend, a Road Transport Operator Licence.
Apply for a roadworks licence.
Apply for a Salmon Fishing Permit from the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
These authorisations grant permission to conduct certain work on or near bodies of water
All mining for scheduled minerals in Ireland requires a lease or licence
How to apply for a survey from the Marine Survey Office.
Facility for users to apply for a Vehicle Registration Tax inspection for an imported vehicle.
Aquaculture licensing is administered through the Aquaculture and Foreshore Management Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
This scheme assists homeowners who install an electric vehicle charge point on their property
An exemption from the study of Irish means that a student attending a primary or post-primary school is not required to study Irish
The Visa Application Facility must be used by all applicants looking for an Irish visa
Get added to the list of approved building contractors for Property Maintenance Division
Form 2 Application for compensation – personal injuries not causing death in respect of members of an Garda Síochána
Facility for users to apply for or track an eVetting application.
Apply for licence to import fireworks and pyrotechnics
A secure service to enable online licence applications and payments to ComReg
Research organisations must be accredited before non-EEA (European Economic Area) employees can apply for a fast-track work permit to do research in Ireland
Facility allowing users to apply for pre-planning application consultations in the Donegal County Council area.
The fund supports local environmental projects
Application process for schools for the Heritage Council's Heritage in Schools Scheme.
Details on how to apply to become a member of the Irish Coast Guard.
Facility allowing users to apply to become a registered sea fish buyer.
These harbours are managed and operated by the State to promote sea fishing and related industries as well as other economic and social development such leisure facilities.
A person who has an order for the payment of maintenance given in an Irish court will be in a position to look for recovery of that amount in another EU country
Access funding from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI).
Holders of exploration licences, petroleum prospecting licences or petroleum leases can apply to undertake activities under a Petroleum Authorisation
An overview of how social housing support works.
If you cannot collect a payment or manage your affairs you can ask that another person acts for you. They can collect payments on a temporary or long-term basis. An agent must be over the age of 18.
Access forms for appointment and re-appointment of primary and post-primary teachers and Special Needs Assistants (SNAs)
To obtain approval, an establishment must submit an application to the Department and pay the designated fee to cover inspection.
You must seek approval for events or temporary activities at the State’s Fishery Harbour Centres.
A Notification of Intent Form should be completed by the food business operator.
Access archived versions of the old government department websites
These are payments to people farming land in areas designated as disadvantaged.
Farmers or people acting on their behalf must complete a training programme and hold the correct licence.
Scheme to give funding support for cross-border cultural projects.
Guidance for school dealing with asbestos containing materials
The disease can affect ash trees of any age and in any setting.
The department's compliance with the GDPR
Guidance on eligibility for asylum and making an application
This grant provides funding to schools towards the cost of computers and specialist equipment for educational purposes
Provision of Roll Books to schools
Details of the Central Depository employment scheme for non-EEA crewmen in parts of the Irish Commercial Sea Fishing Fleet.
A range of funds are available for rural areas.
If you owe money you cannot repay, our Back on Track website is here to help
Back to Education Allowance may let you attend second or third level courses if you are getting certain social welfare payments. The payment is the same as before getting Back to Education Allowance.
Back to Education Allowances (BTEA)
The Back to Education Initiative aims to give participants an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities
This is a once-off payment to help with the costs of clothing and footwear when school starts each autumn
The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) helps people getting some welfare payments to become self-employed. Take part in the BTWEA and you can keep a percent of your welfare for up to 2 years.
Back to Work Family Dividend is a payment to help people with children move from welfare into work. From January 2023 the full rate for a child will increase to €42 for under 12s, €50 for over 12s.
Barristers in criminal cases can claim fees when assigned as counsel by the court
Entitlements are a monetary asset and under the Basic Payment Scheme they can be transferred with or without land.
This scheme is designed to provide a direct income support to Irish farmers to underpin their continued sustainability and viability
This scheme provides income support for farmers
Basic Supplementary Welfare Allowance is a weekly allowance paid to people who do not have enough income to meet their needs and those of their families. The maximum personal rate is €218 a week.
Apply to care for a child outside of their own home.
Become and apprentice and earn a salary while you learn
An overview on how to become an Approved Housing Body.
Approved Intermediaries, debt relief notice, debt under 35000
This programme provides financial support to farmers for using technology and genomics to improve the national herd.
The scheme aims to improve the genetic merit of the national beef herd.
This scheme aims to improve the genetic merit of the beef herd.
The scheme aims to increase economic and environmental efficiency in the suckler herd through better data on herd performance.
Temporary financial aid for beef farmers.
The objective of the Beef Finisher Payment is to provide support for beef finishing farms in Ireland which have been severely impacted by the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
For more information on the BEEP-S and the Dairy Beef Calf Programme.
The objective of the Beef Welfare Scheme 2024 (BWS) is to further increase the economic efficiency of and enhance animal health and husbandry on suckler farms.
The Beneficiary of Temporary Protection Weekly Payment is a weekly payment payable to all beneficiaries of Temporary Protection who live in an Accommodation Centre designated by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
The benefit of work estimator shows how starting work or increasing your hours could affect your payment. The estimate includes income from employment and any welfare payments you are entitled to.
Benefit Payment for 65 Year Olds is for those aged 65 who have stopped work or self-employment who satisfy the PRSI conditions. It may be paid from your 65th birthday until your 66th birthday.
You order a certificate of birth, death, marriage, adoption and civil partnership from the General Register Office by emailing the completed form to us. When you complete payment, we post it to you.
The Department of Education is announcing the launch of the 2023 Arts-in-Education BLAST Residency Programme, which will enable up to 425 new Arts-in-Education residencies in schools each year. Artists from any artistic discipline who have been trained in partnership working with schools will be registered with each of the 21 full-time ESCI centres.
Blind Pension is a means-tested payment paid to blind and visually impaired people who are habitually resident in Ireland.
Blueways Ireland provides information on recreational trails, based on or alongside idyllic lakes, canals and rivers in Ireland.
The free Boardmatch service matches a candidates skills and expertise with the needs of a nonprofit organisation.
You can contact these companies to get a RT-PCR test
A list of pharmacies in Ireland where you can book an antigen test and get an EU Digital COVID Certificate
Facility for booking an appointment for immigration registration
The application must be submitted to the Minister for Justice following the placement of an advertisement in two daily, national newspapers
The application must be submitted to the Minister for Justice following the placement of an advertisement in two daily, national newspapers
Statutory and non-statutory leave entitlements for teachers, SNAs and other education sector staff
Search and Register with BreastCheck.
A brief or short leave of absence from school for various circumstances and situations may arise throughout the school year
Facility that allows the user to browse the collection of digital photographs digitised by the National Library of Ireland.
Grants between €2,500 and €50,000 are available for the repair and conservation of protected structures
Guidelines for burial at sea in Irish waters
This programme provides financial support for steps taken to conserve the Burren’s landscape, biodiversity, archaeology and water.
Details of current business development and grant aids for those in the fishing and seafood industries.
Facility allowing users to buy a Midland Fisheries group angling permit.
You need a licence to fish for salmon or sea trout in Ireland
Buy or renew your TV licence.
Facility for users to buy county development and local area plans from Kildare County Council.
Different schemes have been developed to enable local authorities sell their houses or apartments to those who meet certain eligibility criteria.
When you buy products and services, you are making a contract with the seller
When you buy online, you have the right to the same protections under consumer law as buying in a shop
Information on buying prescribed pharmaceutical products in a Member State other than the one where the prescription was issued, online or in person.
This scheme provides grant aid to farmers to help them buy new equipment for the rearing of dairy bred calves.
The app allows you to increase your productivity by completing calf registrations wherever you are.
Call for Proposals Forestry Skills Training 2024-2025
This grant is paid to primary and voluntary secondary schools and is based on the number of recognised pupils enrolled in the schools
A period of unpaid special leave for no less than 1 school year
Carer’s Allowance is for people on low incomes who are caring for a person who needs full-time care because of age, disability or illness. The maximum weekly rate is €236 under 66, €274 over 66.
Carer’s Benefit is paid to people required to leave the workforce or reduce their hours to care for a person who needs full-time care. It is paid for up to 2 years. Carer’s Benefit is €237 a week.
Leave of absence to allow a teacher a period of unpaid leave so they can provide full-time care and attention to a relevant person
The Carer’s Support Grant is paid yearly to carers who get Carer's Allowance, Carer's Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance. The Carer’s Support Grant is €1,850. It is paid the first Thursday in June.
Clare County Council's Casual Trading Bye-Laws require that all persons engaging in casual trading in the administrative area of the council must hold a casual trading license
Casual trading licence - Kerry County Council
Search facility for Catholic parish registers held in the National Library.
People born on the island of Ireland and who have reached their 100th birthday receive the Centenarian Bounty
The aim of the system is to process applications centrally and to deal with them in an efficient and fair manner
Details about the Certificate of Radioactivity Measurement, which is given to some exported foodstuffs by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Information on changing your address in Ireland.
The EPA Air Quality Index allows you to check air quality anywhere in Ireland
Searchable database of travel agents and tour operators' licensing status.
Facility for you to register to vote, or update your details on the Electoral Register
Check the Online Taxi Register
Use the map to find out when your premises will be connected as part of the National Broadband Plan
The Central Authority for Child Abduction at the Department of Justice is the national authority in Ireland for dealing with cases under the Hague Convention
Child Benefit is €140 paid monthly to help parents and guardians. It is paid for each child who lives with you, is under 16, or under 18 in full-time education. Twins or multiple births get a higher rate.
To get an Increase for a Qualified Child, you must give details about your dependant on the form when you apply for a social welfare payment. Your dependant must not have a welfare payment of their own.
Chinese Government Scholarship 2024 to 2025
Chinese Government Scholarship 2025 to 2026
By funding circular economy projects and enterprises, the CEIGS will directly support the growth of the circular economy in Ireland and provide high-profile examples of best practice
There are exemptions to the 25 company limit
L.A. 2 - Claim for allowances by a witness who was summoned and attended court on behalf of the defence to give evidence as to fact at the hearing of a case in relation to which a certificate for free legal aid has been granted
Claim for fees and expenses by a witness holding a professional qualification, whether medical or otherwise, who was summoned and attended court on behalf of the defence to give professional evidence at the hearing of a case in relation to which a certificate for free legal aid has been granted
Fill out this form to apply for payment of fees in relation to a Video Conference/Prison claim
This claim is open to solicitors only
Claim for a fee for a medical or technical report required by the defence in a case where a certificate for free legal aid has been granted
L.A. 10 - A claim form for payment of a solicitor's expenses
Claiming an EU Pension if you are living in the EU or abroad
If you leave Ireland to live in an EU country, you may be entitled to receive social security benefits there. For social security services, you are treated the same way as the nationals of that country.
Find out information about climate and green skills and the courses linked to them.
The quickest and easiest way to close your jobseeker's claim is through MyWelfare.ie. You can also close your jobseeker's claim through your local Intreo Centre or Branch Office.
Facility allowing users to access publications and resources from the COFORD Council for Forest Research and Development.
The grant is aimed at covering part of the legal, advisory and financial services costs of setting up the partnership agreement.
Businesses in a Pay & Display area can apply for a special parking permit for an annual charge of €600
Access to data on the beneficiaries of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funding.
Supports for energy efficiency community projects through capital funding, partnerships, and technical support
The Community and Language Support Programme provides ongoing capital and ongoing assistance to support community organisations and committees throughout the Gaeltacht that work for the Irish language and for the benefit of the Gaeltacht community.
Applications are open for grants up to €100,000.
The Community Employment Ex-Gratia Payment is a payment for CE supervisors and CE assistant supervisors. The rate of payment is 2 weeks’ salary for every year you supervised with CE.
The Community Employment programme helps people who are long-term unemployed get back to work with part-time job placements in local communities. The placements are for 12 months.
Government fund to support small scale community facilities and amenities upgrades
This fund is designed to support communities that have welcomed people from Ukraine and other countries.
Apply for funding to help community organisations employ additional staff.
The fund provides €10 million to support community groups impacted by rising energy costs
Financial assistance for qualifying costs associated with community CCTV, including both capital and minor maintenance costs
Restoration of companies that have been struck off
Use the calculator to compare the cost of your mobile, home phone broadband and television services
The programme supports research that can lead to sustainable employment, encourage innovation and promote environmental harmony.
Complaint form for An Coimisinéir Teanga, which investigates complaints regarding accessing the services of state organisations in Irish.
Facility enabling users to make a complaint about the conduct of An Garda Síochána members to An Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission.
Make a competition complaint.
Details of the complaints process for the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman, which deals with consumer complaints about financial service providers.
Make a complaint to the Ombusman.
Complain to the Ombudsman for the Defence Forces.
Make a complaint about a service provided to a child by a public organisation.
The Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers is a payment made to farmers under the age of 40 who are educated in agriculture to help them succeed in farming.
Complementary Redistributive Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) is a new scheme that is often referred to as “front loading”. It is designed to redistribute CAP funds from larger farms to medium and smaller sized farms. CRISS is paid to all active farmers on their first 30 hectares. Applicants must hold at least one BISS payment entitlement or part thereof to receive payment under CRISS.
Raise a concern that a child may have been or is at risk of being abused or neglected.
Information on conducting research in another Member State as part of an education programme.
Supporting the development of the National Hub Network
Connection to utilities
Properties must be vacant for two years or more at the time of application
The Constant Attendance Allowance is an increase to Disablement Benefit if you need daily care because of an accident at work or work-related illness.
Access the Capital Works Management Framework (CWMF)
When you buy a product or a service you have a number of rights under Irish and EU legislation
Details on how to contact a rail operator
This service offers school support and teacher professional development
Details on how the public can engage in consultation with Cork City Council on the future planning and development of the city.
A retirement option that allows teachers, special needs assistants, certain caretakers and certain clerical officers to retire early with immediate payment of pension benefits.
Cost Rental provides tenants with secure tenancies in sustainable, long-term homes
The COVID Tracker app was a digital contact tracing mobile app by the Irish Government and the HSE
Coronavirus (COVID19): Special Leave with pay for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary schools
The COVID-19 Employer Refund Scheme was replaced with the Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy. This in turn was replaced by The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme from September 2020.
PUP was open to you if you were an employee or self-employed and lost your job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme closed to new applicants on 22 January 2022. This page is for information only.
The COVID-19 Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme for the self-employed has closed. The scheme was available to self-employed people who were in receipt of the PUP or a prior to their application.
The COVID-19 Related Lay-Off Payment Scheme is payment for those made redundant since March 2020, or before January 2025, who lost reckonable service to lay-offs caused by COVID-19 restrictions.
Deaf Irish Sign Language users can get information about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) using Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS)
Tool for primary schools to create their own pupil report card
This Scheme aims to encourage Public Bodies to establish new native woodlands on suitable bare land .
Credit Review provides a simple and effective review process for businesses that have been refused credit from banks.
Ex gratia compensation for people who suffer a personal injury or death as a result of a crime of violence
Funding for cultural projects.
Resource for teachers and parents on the contents of the Irish curriculum from pre-school to Leaving Certificate level
Custody is the right to the physical care and control of a child
How to make a comment, compliment or complaint about the Department of Social Protection
Information for businesses and traders about customs charges, procedures and rules when importing and exporting goods.
Scheme for teachers, special needs assistants, clerical officers, caretakers and child care workers paid on payrolls operated by the Department of Education as paymaster
The Daily Expenses Allowance is €38.80 per week, paid to applicants for International Protection who live in accommodation provided by International Protection Accommodation Services.
This scheme provides financial help to farmers in milk production to establish their enterprises and keep up-to-date with new technology.
The Dairy Equipment Scheme (DES) provides grants to farmers to facilitate dairy farmers in milk production
Download spreadsheets with address, email and phone numbers for all schools, including special schools, post-primary fee paying and boarding schools
Information on how to obtain a copy of any personal information relating to you held by the department.
Death Benefit (under the Occupational Injuries Scheme) is paid to the surviving spouse or civil partner of a person who died as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease.
Benefits which may be payable to spouses of teachers, special needs assistants, certain caretakers and certain clerical officers who have died
Facility allowing users to declare theft of property to An Garda Síochána.
All Vehicle Refinishing installations or premises must also obtain a Certificate of Compliance from their respective local authority in order to legally operate
The Deduction of Local Property Tax at source is available to some who wish to pay their Local Property Tax from their welfare payment. It is limited to certain payments.
The scheme provides financial support for measures which protect trees from damage caused by deer and hares.
Details of grants available to homeowners affected by defective blocks
Facility for accessing Department of Foreign Affairs travel advice.
Facility for Irish citizens to register their contact details with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade when travelling abroad.
Deployment of Teaching Resources (DTR) (Timetabling) Returns
Meat producers can apply for a derogation from the temperature rule under certain conditions.
It is no longer possible to apply for Deserted Wife's Allowance. Some women continue to receive Deserted Wife's Allowance because they qualified for the payment before 2 January 1997.
It is no longer possible to apply for Deserted Wife's Benefit. Some women continue to receive Deserted Wife's Allowance because they qualified for the payment before 2 January 1997.
The Diet Supplement closed to new applicants in 2014. However, if you were getting it before it was closed, you may be able to keep it. The length and type of diet must be stated in the prescription.
Planning tool for schools to identify their progress in relation to e-learning
A certification primary schools can get by combining information and communications technology (ICT) in their learning and teaching practices
Disability Allowance is a weekly allowance paid to people with a disability
A scheme that provides funding for private sector employers for Disability Awareness Training for staff who work with a colleague who has a disability.
An overview of the Disabled Parking Scheme.
Disablement Benefit is paid if you lose physical or mental abilities because of your work. If you have 100% disablement, your weekly payment is €251.
Authenticating documents created in Ireland for use abroad.
Buy a dog licence for €20 per year or a €140 lifetime option
This helps households with the costs of replacing lead piping or related fittings located within the internal distribution system connected to a domestic water supply that serves a house
Domiciliary Care Allowance is €360 paid monthly for a child with a severe disability. The child must live at home with the person claiming the allowance.
The Department of Social Protection takes its responsibilities in relation to data protection very seriously. Every effort is made to ensure that personal customer data is used solely for business purposes and that it is not compromised in any way.
The Dublin Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
A pre-school project in 40 primary schools in designated areas of urban disadvantage
The department's policy in relation to early years education is to raise the quality of provision in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) settings
Early-years education inspections are carried out in early-years services participating in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme
The Eco-Scheme has been introduced for the first time as part of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. This voluntary annual scheme will be open to all active farmers to participate in. To qualify for payment, farmers will have to undertake specific agricultural practices on their farms. Payment under the Eco-Scheme will be an annual payment for all eligible hectares covered by the commitments undertaken.
Information on the education system in another member state, including higher education and adult learning.
Information on the education system in another Member State, including early childhood education and care, and primary and secondary education.
View applications for development consent on the Environmental Impact Assessment Portal
Grant advice for motorists considering changing their car to an electric vehicle
The electronic manifest (eManifest) system allows businesses to lodge simplified Transit and Customs Declarations and to provide for the establishment of the Proof of Union Status of Goods.
How to apply for personal alarm for the elderly under the Seniors Alert Scheme.
The Senior Alerts Scheme provides grants for personal emergency alarms for older people
Scheme of capital grants for emergency building works in schools
The Emigrant Support Programme provides funding to non-profit organisations that support and connect the Irish community in Britain.
EmployAbility is an employment support service for people with a health condition, injury, illness or disability. It is also a recruitment advice service for the business community.
This service provides advice to employees on a range of issues
Service that enables Authorised Treatment Facilities notify the Department of Transport of vehicle destructions.
Supports offered to businesses to improve their energy performance
These supports include guides, workbooks, training courses and an advice, mentoring and assessment service for schools
The role of the English Language Assistant is to assist teachers in the classroom and help pupils to see a foreign language as a living language. It operates between Ireland and Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels.
The Enhanced rate of Illness Benefit is no longer available. This page is just for informational purposes. The enhanced rate of Illness Benefit came to an end on Friday 30 September 2022.
An overview of the Enhanced Long Term Social Housing Leasing Scheme.
The Enterprise Support Grant financially supports new enterprises, and gives income support to jobseekers under Back to Work Enterprise Allowance and Short-Term Enterprise Allowance.
The Enterprise Support Grant was for self-employed people who closed their COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment. It gave a grant of up to €1,000 to business owners to restart their business.
Screening is the cost-free process where the Department examines the proposed activities for environmental impact to determine if they can go ahead without the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
This scheme provides financial support for projects aimed at improving quality equine production through research into equine diseases.
All equines born in the EU must be identified and issued with a passport no later than 12 months from the date of birth of the equine
The General Programme of the Equine Technical Support and Equine Breeding Scheme 2024 provides financial support to help improve quality equine breeding. The scheme also supports infrastructure in the non-thoroughbred horse sector.
This scheme provides financial support to help improve quality equine breeding and also supports infrastructure in the non-thoroughbred horse sector.
eToll is an integrated national method of collecting tolls automatically using a tag mounted on a vehicle windscreen.
This scheme aims to improve competitiveness and reduce market fluctuations that affect producers’ incomes.
Beef Carcass Classification Scheme is to ensure a common classification standard throughout the European Union.
Customs security regulations within the EU.
The EU has several different funding programmes that you may be able to apply for, depending on the nature of your business or project.
The EU School Scheme is designed to help promote the benefits of healthy eating to children and encourage them to increase their consumption of fruit, vegetables and milk.
The e-library is a collection of solutions and approaches for improving public procurement processes.
This helps EU member states to provide active supports for employment, education, training and guidance to workers made redundant because of major economic changes
The ultimate aim of these innovation partnerships is to road-test new ideas and practices which can then be used more widely by farmers and others to improve productivity and enhance resource efficiency.
This is specific to outdoor displays of public entertainment comprising an audience of 5,000 or more
A support measure for those supplying services in the events sector to make a contribution to the overheads of businesses that have been significantly negatively affected by COVID-19 restrictions
A single payment to help meet essential, once-off, exceptional expenditure.
Access exploration reports here
Explore maps using the OSI Free Viewer.
How to export firearms as a dealer or private owner
Teachers are entitled to extra personal vacation days if they attend approved summer courses under rule 58 of the Rules for National Schools
An overview of the Fair Deal Scheme for nursing homes.
The Family Law section of the Pension Unit in Department of Education assists pension members in the preparation and implementation of Pension Adjustment Orders
Details on the work of the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council in promoting animal welfare in agriculture.
Farm Assist is a means-tested payment for low-income farmers. The means test considers most forms of income, assessed in different ways. The maximum personal rate is €220 a week.
The scheme provides incentive to farmers to avail of investments to improve their own safety and that of their farm
This measure is an EU regulation aimed at protecting the food chain.
Funding to teachers towards the cost of in-career development courses and related exam fees
Access to the Revenue Online Service (ROS), which provides for the electronic filing of over 21 different taxes and duties for business clients.
If you are registered for the Revenue Online Service (ROS) you can file a Form 11 Income Tax return online
Facility enabling users to file and pay their Local Property Tax bills.
Request financial statements / service history for payees on Department of Education payrolls
The Citizens Information Centre gives free, impartial and confidential information on public services, and your rights and entitlements. You can access it through your local centre.
Find qualified driving instructors in your local area.
Find a Crime Prevention Officer
Facility for users to access a list of Juvenile Liaison Officers.
Find your Local Sports Partnership.
Facility for users to find a registered veterinary premises, practitioner or nurse.
Find a school and see information and data about that school, including school inspection reports
Use the finder to find or check an Eircode
Contact details for Irish embassies and consulates abroad.
Qualifax gives information on college, university, institute of technology and further education college courses
Facility allowing users search for disability services in the Fingal region.
Search facility for local amenities in the Dublin City Council area.
Find your nearest Hospital, Health Centre, GP and more
An overview of Luas services.
The 'Where Your Money Goes' website is a graphical, easy-to-use tool for examining government expenditure over a period of ten years. The data is presented in a variety of interactive charts
Facility to view property in Garda possession that has not been reclaimed.
The Regional Skills fora support businesses in their regions to assess and develop skills for their employees
The roles and responsibilities of civil servants
Contact details for Coroners in every district in Ireland
Facility to help you find your local Intreo centre, social welfare and branch offices by county.
Find all the contact details for your local motor tax office
Use the map to find your nearest post office
Each of Ireland’s 31 local authority areas has a PPN
This facility helps you find the correct contact details for specific money and tax queries.
Find your nearest Garda Station
How to get a fire safety certificate from Donegal County Council
Applications for Fire Safety Certificates can be submitted paperless and online through the Building Control Management System database
You must apply for a Fire Safety Certificate for new buildings and some alterations and extensions to existing buildings
Fire safety certificate - Galway County Council
The ‘First Home’ scheme aims to bridge the gap for eligible purchasers between their deposit and mortgage, and the price of new home sold through the private market
Fixed term contracts for teachers
The purpose of the Fodder Support Scheme (FSS) is to incentivise and support farmers to grow sufficient grass and conserve sufficient fodder (silage and/or hay) for the 2022 winter
This is the primary national funding mechanism for food research in higher education institutions and other public research institutes.
This scheme will help to reduce the 1 million tonnes of food waste Ireland produces each year.
This scheme encourages students, enrolled in participating schools, to view a foreign language as a living language
The seed scheme is aimed at increasing Ireland’s self-sufficiency in tree seed production.
Forest roads improve the economic viability of forests by improving access for harvesting
If a person is dissatisfied with a decision of the Minister or an officer of the Minister, they may submit an appeal.
This scheme plays an important role in Ireland’s transition to a low carbon future by supporting the production of sustainable and renewable wood fibre.
The owner of lands afforested under the Afforestation Grant and Premium Schemes must give advance notice to the Department’s Forestry Division of any intention to sell or transfer ownership.
The scheme is designed to help achieve the planting levels set out in the Forestry Programme 2014-2020 and in particular to help achieve a broadleaf planting target of 30%.
This scheme provides financial support for educational programmes which instruct current and future forestry workers on key issues in the sector such as establishing forests and health and safety.
Learn online, any time, at your own pace with eCollege
Courses may include a variety of subjects which support the educational needs of employees
You can learn new or additional skills that will help you secure a new role in your previous sector or find a new role in a new sector
The Free Travel Scheme allows you to travel free on all public transport. This includes bus, rail and Dublin’s LUAS. Everyone aged 66 and over living in the state is entitled to the Free Travel Scheme.
Freedom of information applications to the Department of Social Protection must written and state the records are being applied for under the FOI Act. They should say if it is needed in a certain form.
French / Irish Teacher Professional Visit Scheme 2021
Fuel Allowance is a payment to help with the cost of heating your home during the winter months
The SSNO provides funding for national organisations
A range of funding schemes offered by Fáilte Ireland.
Research and information from Fáilte Ireland relating to tourism in Ireland.
Portal for trade partners in the Irish tourism industry.
Share Farming Agreement
How to buy a general dog licence for kennel owners
If you want to ask the department a question on a particular subject, please complete and submit the form
General information on access rights or obligations to participate in available public preventive healthcare measures.
A wide range of products and publications
German Teacher Exchange Scheme 2021
You can order a copy of a birth, adoption, stillbirth, marriage, civil partnership or death certificate online or by post.
This scheme promotes environmentally-friendly farming
To apply for a PPS Number, you need a basic MyGovID account. You need to upload copies of your identity document, your proof of address, and evidence of why you need a PPS Number.
Estimate of retirement benefits for school staff who are members of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme
Career guidance for people at all stages of their career.
Open data portal from Cork City County Council.
Links to a range of documents providing fire statistical information
Data is sourced from the local authority sector, lending agencies and other private companies
Guidance on Irish citizenship and how to apply
To marry in Ireland, you must give 3 months’ notice to the civil registration service. This applies to all marriages. To give notice, you book a notification appointment that both of you must attend.
Links to a range of documents providing statistical information on annual planning applications from 1998 to 2012
Up-to-date information on the average price paid for animals in 24 of the meat factories approved by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
In certain circumstances, under EU law you have the right to arrange medical treatment, such as consultation with a specialist, surgery or treatment for a specific condition, in other EU countries.
Goat herd registers record details of the number of goats on a farm and details of their movements
An overview of government publications from the Office of Public Works.
The grants also allow beekeeper federations to inform the public about the importance of bees in maintaining Irish biodiversity and crop production.
Payment to farmers for helping to protect the environment.
The scheme will make up to €500 million in longer-term lending available to SMEs
Guardian’s Payment is paid to a child’s guardian for a child who has been orphaned. Payment is till 18 or, if in education, until 22. The maximum weekly rate is €203.
Guidance and advice on farm safety from the Health and Safety Authority.
How to get your degree or award stamped or authenticated
Health and Safety Benefit is €232 a week paid to those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, work nights or in hazardous environments and are on health and safety leave.
Information on health insurance rules applicable in the case of short-term or long-term stays in another Member State, including how to apply for a European Health Insurance Card.
Apply for a Health Research Board Grant
NALA developed Help My Kid Learn - a simple website that brings together relevant information for parents and the wider community to support children’s literacy and numeracy development
This scheme helps first-time buyers of newly-built homes to buy a new house or apartment. It also applies to once-off self-build homes
This scheme provides financial support to farmers who take steps on their lands to protect hen harrier populations.
Heritage Maps allow users to look at a wide range of built and natural heritage data sets in map form.
The National Monuments Service Sites and Monuments Record and the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage.
View Historical Oireachtas Debates and Speeches
Section 254 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 governs the issuing of a hoarding, fencing or scaffolding licence
You must get a Hoarding Licence to place temporary items (for example: a fence or scaffolding) on a public footpath or road
Information on holding and opening a bank account in another Member State.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland administers grants to homeowners to upgrade their homes with energy efficiency measures
This scheme aims to improve educational outcomes for the students most at risk of poor attendance, participation and retention
The purpose of the Home Tuition Scheme is to provide a compensatory educational service for children who, for a number of reasons, are unable to attend school
The HomeCaring Periods Scheme makes it easier to qualify for a higher rate State Pension. Under this scheme, periods when you were caring for someone can be included in your social insurance record.
A homemaker, under the scheme, is someone who provides full-time care for a child under 12 or an ill or disabled person over 12. It makes it easier to qualify for a higher State Pension Contributory.
The Homeowner's Once-Off Payment is for some people who applied for the Mortgage Interest Tax Credit from the Revenue for the year 2023 but who were ineligible.
The scheme assists beekeepers with the detection of pests and diseases in the colony even at low levels of infection or infestation.
The Horticulture Crisis Fund (HCF) is a support measure that will be provided in the form of a once off payment to growers of horticulture that are most affected by the continued high level of input costs. The growers that will be supported under this measure are, brown mushrooms, heated strawberries, field vegetables (excluding potatoes), field salad crops, apples, vertically farmed greens and glasshouse high wire crops
The Horticulture Exceptional Payment Scheme (HEPS) is a support measure that will be provided in the form of a once-off payment to growers in those horticulture sub-sectors most affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Support for businesses to host their international conferences in Ireland.
The Household Benefits Package helps with the costs of your electricity or gas bills. The rate is €1.15 per day, paid monthly. It also includes a television licence. A household can only have one HBP.
The effective maximum grant under the scheme is €30,000
Information on housing adaptation grants for older people and people with a disability
The effective maximum grant under the scheme is €8,000
HAP is a form of social housing support provided by all local authorities. Under HAP, local authorities can provide housing assistance to households with a long-term housing need, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients.
Information on making an application to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal
How business can help with supplies and services to respond to COVID-19
Information on the parole process
How to appeal a decision made about your social welfare claim
Link to the Irish Statute Book website and europa.eu for all relevant legislation
To get a Public Services Card you go to your local PSC/SAFE Registration Centre. Some centres require an appointment, and some offer a walk-in service only. It will take around 15 minutes.
You can get payment at any bank or post office. If you have a verified MyGovId account, you can change your details online. Alternatively, you can change your bank details by sending a completed form.
The Irish Residence Permit (IRP) is a credit-card sized plastic card that displays basic information about you
Information on the different ways you can get your COVID-19 vaccine
Information on the different ways you can get your EU Digital COVID Certificate
Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Primary
To sign up for a basic MyGovID account online, you need your name and an email address. You will get an email with a 6-digit code. Once you enter that you have created your basic MyGovID account.
How you use your Free Travel Pass depends on if it is a paper pass or a PSC. You must present a paper pass to the driver or operator of the service. You may present a PSC pass to the reader, or driver.
The Humanitarian Assistance Scheme provides emergency financial assistance to households affected by a severe weather event. It is administered by the Community Welfare Service.
Illness Benefit helps support you if you cannot work in the short term if you are ill. Your illness must be certified by a doctor. The maximum weekly rate is €220.
Advice on immigration registration
Importers and exporters of regulated wood commodities into the EU must register with the Department.
Information on how to import commercial explosives
How to import firearms as a dealer or private owner
You must notify the Department of Agriculture about all imports of bees from other European Union member states at least 24 hours before the consignment’s arrival in the Republic of Ireland.
An overview of how to import composite food products.
Fireworks can only be imported into the country under licence and stored and sold in accordance with the explosives law
These courses focus on improving employability and a person’s ability to compete for job opportunities
Facility from the National Adult Literacy Agency for users to assess their literacy skills and work to improve them.
Skills to Advance aims to give employees the skills to progress in their current job, or to take advantage of new job opportunities
This programme supports the education or care needs of primary and post primary pupils with complex needs
Incapacity Supplement is a supplement to people getting Disablement Benefit. From January 2023 Incapacity Supplement increases by €12 to €220 for people under 66, and €239.30 for people over 66
To get an Increase for a Qualified Adult, you must give details about your dependant on the form when you apply for a social welfare payment. Your dependant must not have a welfare payment of their own.
People living on islands face extra costs travelling to access mainland services. The Increase for Living on a Specified Island compensates for those extra costs. The increase to a payment is €20.
Incremental credit may be awarded to qualified primary or post-primary teachers and to qualified special needs assistants in recognition of relevant experience for the purposes of progression on the incremental salary scale.
A scheme for the purchase of existing local authority houses
A scheme for the purchase of new local authority build houses.
The Chief State Solicitor's Office pays Counsel by electronic funds transfer (EFT)
Information for travel into Ireland from another EU country
Information on toll roads in Ireland
Post-primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) is provided through programmes of a consecutive or a concurrent nature
Injury Benefit is a weekly payment to you if you are unfit to work due to an accident at work, or a disease due to the work you do. From January 2023 the maximum weekly rate increases by €12 to €220.
Central Tyre Inflation systems allow vehicle operators to electronically select the most suitable tyre pressure from the cab while the truck is in motion.
News and research from Inshore Fisheries Management.
The Insolvency Payments Scheme protects former employees of companies that are insolvent. They may claim, through a representative, such as the liquidator or receiver, various outstanding debts.
Anyone can apply for a patent
This certificate states that a death has occurred
The scheme is for the funding of emergency fire safety defect works in apartments and duplexes
Information on student grants for asylum seekers
Accessing opportunities in international public sector markets from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Information on Intreo, a service that is a point of contact for all employment and income supports. Intreo gives practical, tailored employment services and supports for job seekers and employers.
Invalidity Pension is paid to people covered by social insurance who cannot work because of a long-term illness or disability. From January 2023 the maximum weekly rate increases by €12 to €225.50.
This scheme provides financial aid to producers to encourage environmentally friendly practices
The Investor Compensation Company is Ireland's statutory fund of last resort for customers of authorised investment firms.
Map that provides information about road collisions.
Access information and itineraries for touring Ireland's Ancient East.
An online form for businesses to pledge offers of supplies and services to help Ireland’s humanitarian response to the Ukraine crisis
Links to find information on Irish harbours and their infrastructure.
Irish language resources in relation to placenames.
Maritime transport statistics from the Irish Maritime Development Office.
This scheme provides funding for a tutor to visit the home of a deaf/hard of hearing pre-school child or school-going pupil to provide training in ISL for the child, their sibling(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s)
Details of the Irish Statistical System code of practice.
Facility for searching the Irish Treaty Series and enabling the user to read up on international agreements involving Ireland.
If you are a jobseeker who is deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment and you are attending job interviews, you may apply for funding to have an interpreter attend the interviews with you.
This scheme helps teachers and SNAs combine work commitments and personal responsibilities and choices
A means tested payment for people who become unemployed.
Jobseeker's Benefit is for people between 18 and 66 who become unemployed and have enough PRSI contributions. The full rate is €220 per week. If you earned less than €300, you do not get the full rate.
Jobseeker's Benefit for the Self-Employed is for people between 18 and 66 who become fully or partly unemployed and have paid enough PRSI contributions. The full rate is €220 per week.
Jobseeker’s Pay-Related Benefit links the benefit a person may get when they become unemployed to their previous earnings. Available from 31 March 2025.
Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment is an arrangement under the Jobseeker’s Allowance scheme. It is means-tested. You may qualify if your child is between 7 and 14 and you do not live with a spouse.
Professional Artists on Jobseeker’s Allowance supports you if you are a self-employed artist on Jobseeker's Allowance. If you qualify, you do not take part in the activation programme for one year.
JobsIreland provides guidance and resources for both employers and jobseekers. These include finding a job, CV templates and advice, advertising employer vacancies and job-matching services.
JobsPlus is an employer incentive to reward employers who offer opportunities to people who are unemployed. It provides employers with two levels of payment: €7,500 or €10,000 over two years.
JobsPlus Online Application for Employers and Employees allows you to register or check their eligibility for JobsPlus. JobsPlus rewards employers who offer work to the long-term unemployed.
This scheme helps to maintain a sufficient reserve of pure-bred breeding stock.
The Backweston Laboratory Complex has been developed to provide a laboratory infrastructure to support the diagnostic, regulatory and research and development functions necessary.
The LPIS is the department’s land database which underpins payments to farmers under area-based schemes.
The aim of the fund is to provide Exchequer support for larger sports facility projectsAn overview of the Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund (LSSIF).
Access the COVID-19 data hub showing the latest stats and information
See the latest news from the Revenue Commissioners.
Facility for topping up Leap Cards via a free app for NFC-enabled Android phones.
Guide to using a Leap Card, including fares, purchasing a card and managing the balance.
A guide showing everything you need to do to start legally driving a car on Ireland's roads
Leave of absence for school staff who are unable to perform their duties due to a physical injury following an assault that happened in the course of their duties and during approved school activities
Indicator of financial eligibility for legal aid
Any licence granted will only remain in effect for one year only
The Council issues licences annually in respect of sites operating as Caravan and Camp Sites
A complete list of county councils.
A complete list of government departments and departments of state.
The key aim of the Live Performance Support Scheme is to assist commercial venues, producers and promoters of live performances to provide employment to workers in the creative industries while also producing high quality live performances for the public
A scheme to assist commercial venues, promoters and producers to employ artists and musicians of all genres, performers, technicians and other support staff in the live performance sector
Marts must meet the standards set out in the licence.
Living Alone Increase is €22 extra for people on some payments who live alone. If you are over 66 and live alone, you qualify if you get one of the qualifying payments. You may also qualify under 66.
Information on living in a couple with different nationalities, including same-sex couples
Access to an information service that reveals details about lobbying.
Funding for local, regional and specialised museums.
The ‘Local Authority Affordable Purchase Scheme’ sees local authorities make new homes available for purchase by eligible applicants at reduced prices
A government-backed mortgage for first time buyers or Fresh Start applicants through local authorities
A government initiative to help homeowners who have mortgages through the local government sector and are at risk of losing their homes due to mortgage arrears
Access to universal services for families in disadvantaged areas.
Bus services in local and rural areas.
Local Property Tax - how to pay
Local Property Tax (LPT) information for payees on Department of Education payrolls
The Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) 2018 provides funding to help Local Authorities carry out improvement works on private and non-publicly maintained roads.
View Safety Camera Locations.
For buyers in the public sector
Long-Term Carers Contribution Periods make it easier for a carer to qualify for the State Pension Contributory when they reach pension age.
This scheme provides financial aid to farmers to help buy new equipment for the spreading of slurry.
The scheme enables farmers to purchase new LESS equipment for the spreading of slurry
The Magdalen Commission Scheme was set up under the recommendations of The Magdalen Commission Report 2013. This recommended an ex-gratia scheme of a combination of a lump sum and weekly payments.
Large scale building projects in schools
A guide to making a broadcasting complaint to the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI).
Advice and information for customers about their rights regarding making a complaint
Information for customers about their rights as an energy or water customer
Facility allowing users to make a complaint or give feedback about health and social services.
Facility that allows users make a donation to the National Gallery of Ireland.
The FOI Act 2014 allows you to access, to the greatest extent possible, information held by the department
All applications for lighting-up should be submitted through info@opw.ie
How to make a complaint about a noise nuisance
Requests for personal data must include proof of identity. They should include your name, PPS number, address, signature and date. Details that help locate the subject of your request also help.
How to make a subject access request to the Department of Justice
How to request access to information on the environment from the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
How to make a complaint regarding the environment
Facility provided by Mayo County Council allowing residents make an environmental-related complaint.
How to make an FOI or information access request to the Department of Education
The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to access records held by government departments and certain public bodies
Use a Europass CV to apply for jobs or training in Europe
A person may not import, store or manufacture explosives without a licence
Interactive map of Ireland with information about mobile telephone masts
The interactive Mapviewer displays current Prospecting Licence ground status, drillhole data, publically available data and the location of available airborne geophysical survey data.
Reports issued by the Marine Casualty Investigation Board and its roles and objectives.
The Marine Institute is responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation.
Marine Notices are information notices issued by the department to publicise important safety, regulatory and other information relating to the maritime sector in Ireland
A range of government departments and agencies have a role in the promotion and funding of marine research.
Links to organisations involved in water safety, including training.
This portal brings together information on the full range of open international markets and products, and the relevant certification conditions, in a user-friendly format for exporters
A payment for employed and self-employed people who are on maternity leave from work and covered by social insurance (PRSI). On full-rate Maternity Benefit, you get €262 a week for 26 weeks.
A statutory leave of absence from employment
Allows you to get a refund of medical care and attention not paid by the HSE or the Treatment Benefit Scheme. You must notify the department within 6 weeks of starting medical treatment.
Information on mergers of companies or selling a business
Web-based service to enable the self-briefing of pilots before flight.
Weather Warnings system in support of emergency management and the alerting and warnings of the public.
Password-protected platform for the provision of tailored weather services to public service bodies.
The Mid East Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
The Mid West Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
The Midlands Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in their regions to assess and develop skills for their employees
Access to the Irish Military Archives.
Information on the Minor Works Grant for schools.
The effective maximum grant under the Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme is €6,000
The Mobility of Collections Scheme supports greater regional and local access to material held in the National Collections.
Shorter, more focused courses offered in a flexible way through blended or online learning to allow people to gain important skills without taking a considerable period away from the labour market
Financial templates for use by primary schools boards of management
A scheme to assist householders who are tenants or tenant purchasers of local authority houses to become owner-occupiers of other dwellings
This scheme helps homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes due to mortgage arrears
Information for schools on mould in school buildings
A crime prevention report will be required for the new premises
Your shareholders will need to approve the transfer
Apply for a survey or inspection with these forms.
The Music and Entertainment Business Support Scheme (MEBAS) has funding of €14 million and has been launched as a further support measure for those in the live entertainment sector.
A non-mainstream out of school national music education programme that aims to transform the lives of children and young people through access to high-quality, subsidised performance music education.
The music stimulus schemes are targeted at professional musicians and their teams and will support song writing camps, recording and album releases.
MyWelfare.ie is the home of social welfare services. It gives you easy access to a range of services, including applying for certain benefits, updating your details, ordering statements.
Payments will be made in December 2023
The Dairy Beef Calf Programme supports beef farmers who are rearing calves from the dairy herd.
NEPS psychologists work with both primary and post-primary schools and are concerned with learning, behaviour, social and emotional development.
Facility that allows users to book tickets for exhibitions online.
Facility allowing users to access the National Gallery of Ireland's professional picture library, which contains an ever-expanding collection of beautifully photographed high-quality images.
A comprehensive induction programme for all newly qualified teachers
The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage's records of historic buildings and gardens.
Transport information to enable users to plan their journey.
Facility for ordering material for research in the National Library.
This programme is being introduced by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine to incentivise the use of Lime a natural soil conditioner, which corrects soil acidity by neutralising the acids that are present in the soil.
Pig keepers are legally obliged to return their census form each year to the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.
This scheme provides income support to people setting up a new farm holding.
National School Annual Census for special schools not on POD
Keepers are legally obliged to return their census form each year to the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.
National Sheep Welfare Scheme
National Training Programme for Special Needs Assistants
The National Veterinary Prescription System is the overall solution being introduced by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) to modernise and upgrade the paper method of Veterinary Prescriptions.
This scheme promotes the protection of Ireland’s native woodlands and biodiversity.
Native Woodland Conservation Scheme
Native Woodland Intervention for Remediation of Industrial Cutover Peatlands - Pilot Scheme 2024-2027
Curriculum planning tool from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) to aid primary school teachers
This scheme provides financial assistance to create woodland amenities for local communities.
Grant to established, smaller-scale, non-mainstream music education/community music initiatives with limited or no access to other forms of public funding
The North East Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
The North West Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
Scheme for eligible teachers, SNAs, caretakers and clerical officers to purchase purchase additional pensionable service
Details of the State Savings products for personal savers from the the National Treasury Management Agency.
How to apply for and renew a radio licence.
Occupational Health Strategy and Employee Assistance Service for teachers, SNAs, clerical officers and caretakers
Supplementary pensions information for teachers and non-teaching staff in schools
See the Register of Members Interests
One-Parent Family Payment is a payment for parents under 66 who are not cohabiting, and whose youngest child is under 7. The maximum weekly rate for One-Parent Family Payment is €220.
The Department of Education Online Claims system (OLCS) is used by schools to record all absences for school staff.
Estimator to calculate approximate taxi fares.
Open an account, register as a verifier or make changes to existing account details on Ireland's Domain of the Union Registry
This Call is seeking proposals to develop new ways of approaching problems, opportunities or challenges, particularly but not exclusively environmental or climate related.
How to open a bed and breakfast in Ireland
Discover OPW heritage sites across Ireland, plan your visit and find out what events are on.
Scheme facilitates development of organic sector to ensure a regular supply of high-quality organic produce
This scheme provides financial support to farmers to encourage organic production.
The Scheme aims to help the development of the organic sector so as to ensure a regular supply of high quality organic produce to the market.
The 2024/2025 ORIS scheme is now open.
Guidelines on volunteering overseas from Irish Aid.
Where an applicant believes that there are recognised habitat, environmental, biodiversity or climatic constraints on their holding they can have their land assessed by an approved FAS advisor
Parent’s Benefit is currently €274 a week for seven weeks. Parent’s Benefit can be paid in weekly blocks or over a consecutive 7 week period. Parents can take 7 weeks together or separately.
A period of statutory unpaid leave available to teachers, SNAs and other employees for the purpose of caring for their child
The Part-Time Education Option allows you to keep your Jobseeker's Allowance or Benefit and attend a part-time course. You must continue to meet the conditions for Jobseeker’s Benefit or Allowance.
The Part-Time Job Incentive allows people who are long-term unemployed to take up employment for less than 24 hours a week and still receive an income supplement. It is €139.40 per week.
Payroll information for part-time teachers
Partial Capacity Benefit is paid if you cannot work to your full capacity. The rate is based on a medical assessment of your incapacity. The maximum weekly rate for profound incapacity is €220.
Facility enabling users to participate in a Cork City Council public consultation.
Paternity Benefit is a payment to people who are on paternity leave from work and covered by social insurance. It is €262 a week, for two weeks. Paternity Benefit is available to same-sex couples.
Paternity leave is a single period of 2 consecutive weeks
Facility that allows the user to pay court-imposed fines online.
Payment facility that allows a member of the public pay a non-penalty point fixed charge notice.
Facility to allow users pay a fire charge issued in response to callouts by Kildare Fire Services.
Payment facility for traffic fines in Kildare.
Facility to pay the annual charge on non principal private residences, payable on liable property units for the years 2009-2013.
Facility that allows users to pay parking and traffic fines with a range of local authorities.
Online facility to pay commercial rates to Galway County Council
Facility allowing users to pay Cork City Council parking and traffic fines.
Facility allowing users to pay Cork City Council social housing rents.
Facility allowing users to pay for a fire service in Donegal.
Facility to apply and pay for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) services with Mayo County Council.
An online facility to pay housing loans to Galway County Council
An online facility to pay litter fines to Galway County Council
Facility for Luas users to pay for standard fare notices online
Facility to allow residents pay their rates and water charges to Mayo County Council.
Irish resident companies and non-resident companies who trade in Ireland through a branch or agency pay Corporation Tax on the taxable profits they make.
Payment of Travel Expenses to GAM/EAL (Learning / Language Support) and Resource Teachers in Recognised Primary Schools
Under EU law, bank charges for financial transactions should be the same within EU member states and between EU states.
Payroll service to teaching and non-teaching staff in primary, voluntary secondary and community and comprehensive schools and retired personnel on Department of Education payrolls.
This online calculator helps you estimate the amount of money you need to contribute to your pension, based on your age and current salary, to have the level of pension you expect in retirement.
Carers who took time out of work to provide care on a full-time basis may be entitled to Pension Caring Supports to help qualify for a State Pension (Contributory).
Pension schemes for teachers, special needs assistants, certain clerical officers and certain caretakers
Teachers can take up to five school days in a school year
Personal Insolvency Arrangements - what they are and how to apply for one
Advice and assistance on dealing with personal debt problems
If you are blind or visually impaired and need help with job-related reading, you may get a personal reader grant. This is only paid for private employees. It is paid for a period up to 640 hours a year.
How to import pet food and dog chews.
All first time applications must have an accompanying risk assessment in line with the format set out in the regulations
This scheme helps farmers upgrade equipment in order to comply with animal welfare standards.
The Pig Exceptional Payment Scheme gives temporary financial aid to pig farmers in Ireland.
The Pig Exceptional Payment Scheme 2 (PEPS2) is an exceptional adjustment aid scheme drawn up in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/467, giving temporary financial aid to pig farmers in Ireland
A grant of up to €7,500 (ex VAT)
Tool that allows users draw out an area in Mayo they wish to build upon.
A tool that allows users draw out an area in Sligo they wish to build upon.
Access to the status of planning applications in a range of local authorities
The system allows the breeder of new varieties of agricultural, horticultural and ornamental plants to legally register the right to control the propagation and marketing of those varieties.
Plant Passports are needed when transporting plants and certain wood products.
The PLC Bursary for Displaced Persons (Ukraine) Scheme is designed to provide financial help to people who want to study a Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) course
An online gateway for organisations to manage licences and registrations
The Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) programme is a full-time programme for young people who have completed their Leaving Certificate and adults returning to education
A central database for student and some school data which is hosted by the Department of Education
Post Primary Registered teachers (secondary qualified) in certain categories of Special Schools
Posts of responsibility are part of a school's leadership and management structure
Only hatching eggs obtained in accordance with a permit issued by the Department may be incubated at a licensed poultry hatchery.
Anyone who keeps poultry in Ireland must register their premises with the Department of Agriculture.
A pre-planning consultation can be arranged if the person has an interest in the land concerned and wishes to consult on or get advice about a proposed development or future planning application
How your organisation can apply for prepaid posting
Preserved Benefits for members of the Department of Education pension scheme
Online database for primary pupil and school data hosted by the Department of Education
For every one problem gambler, the lives of seven other people are affected.
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) pays for RoD when there is “significant work to review documentation other than on a court date"
Advice for schools and higher education providers
In Ireland the main users are in the papermaking and in the chemical industries.
An overview of how to import milk and milk products.
The scheme is aimed at opening up new markets and to diversifying trading partners.
The Prompt Payment Portal, which hosts the Prompt Payment Code, was created to encourage improving cash flow between business and help to move towards a culture of prompt payment in Ireland
Facility enabling users aged 18 years and older to apply for an age identity card.
This is a payment to farmers for growing beans, peas, and lupins.
Civil and Public servants aged under 66 who are paying PRSI at Class B, C or D and retire due to ill health are entitled to credited contributions for each week they are certified unfit for work.
You can apply for a Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) refund if the wrong PRSI rate has been paid from your wages or income. Applications can be made for the last 4 complete tax years.
A guide to the range of services available at your local library.
The applicant for the grant or renewal of a licence must notify the fire authority of the application
Search the Public Sector Statisitical Databases
Public Service Single Pension Scheme, Purchase and Transfer of Benefits
publicjobs is the centralised provider of recruitment, assessment and selection services for the civil service
The Board is responsible for directing and overseeing the implementation of the pyrite remediation scheme and is being assisted in this regard by the Housing Agency.
Details of a test for householders to check for radon in water.
Submit concerns about a charity to the Charity Regulatory Authority.
These animals are an important resource of livestock heritage which need to be conserved as a vital genetic resource for future generations and the benefit of agriculture.
Book an appointment to meet an officer in relation to a re-entry visa
Get the app to access real-time passenger information regarding bus, train or Luas arrival times
The Reasonable Accommodation Fund gives money to employers, employees and jobseekers with disabilities. The money is to help with the cost of reasonable accommodations at work.
A government-backed mortgage for first time buyers
Have a qualification assessed for approval
If an Irish citizen dies abroad, and the death is within 5 years of being resident in Ireland, it can be recorded in the Record of Deaths Abroad. There is no fee for this, and copies of records are free.
Recovery of Certain Benefits and Assistance Scheme enables the department to recover the value of certain illness-related social welfare payments from compensation awards made to persons as a consequence of personal injuries claims. The benefits are recovered from the compensator and not from the injured person.
There is a redundancy calculator on MyWelfare.ie which can be used to estimate redundancy entitlements before making a claim.
The Redundancy Payment Scheme makes statutory redundancy payments from the Social Insurance Fund to an employee where an employer is unable to make a statutory redundancy payment.
Details of the role played by the Referendum Commission.
For certain teachers, special needs assistants, caretakers and clerical officers wishing to apply for a refund of pension contributions.
Grants are provided for capital works which enhance the exhibition/display facilities within the museum or which promote access to the museum.
Register a birth of a child. It may be registered in the office of any Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths.
All deaths in the State can be registered with any Registrar, and must be registered within 3 months of death. A registered medical practitioner must complete part 1 of the Death Notification Form.
Information on how a death is registered with the Registrar of Deaths
Farmers can avail of a number of financial supports aimed at encouraging and maintain the development of farm partnerships.
Facility to enable people who are born outside of Ireland to an Irish citizen apply for citizenship.
Facility for landlords to register private tenancies with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB).
Facility to register a wastewater treatment system.
Register as a Data Controller
If you are running a business involving realistic imitation firearms, you should pre-register with us now
To receive the appropriate rate of pay, foreign qualified teachers must have their qualifications registered with the Teaching Council and must notify the Department of Education when this process has been completed
Use the form to register as a free range or barn-reared poultry meat producer.
To register as a non-restricted firearms dealer, fill in this form and return it to the Garda sergeant of your sub-district
If you wish to register should read the pig welfare requirement booklet.
The aim of this European Union regulation is to enhance public health protection by setting out the responsibilities of food producers.
Registration is required under European Union regulations aimed at protecting plant health.
How to register as an electrician in Ireland
To receive the appropriate rate of pay, Irish qualified teachers must register their qualifications with the Teaching Council and notify the Department of Education when this process has been completed
This measure is required under EU law and is aimed at protecting animal and human health by preventing the spread of certain diseases known as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE).
Registration form for Fáilte Ireland's fortnightly newsletter.
Facility for users to register with the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology's grant system.
Apply for sponsorship for events from Waterways Ireland.
Access to the two registers of security license holders at the Private Security Authority
Search for a teacher on the Register of Teachers
Facility that allows users to register the birth of a calf.
Facility allowing users to receive the latest community news and alerts via the Cork City Now messaging system.
Register with DAFM for Brexit.
The EORI online registration service allows you to register for an EORI number online.
Where an individual or company is trading in Ireland under anything other than their own natural name, they must register the name with The Companies Registration Office
Stillbirths occurring in Ireland since 1 January 1995 may be registered, it is not obligatory. Stillbirths are registered in local civil register offices. You can find addresses for your local office here.
You must register the name of your business if you or your partners intends to do business under a name that is not their own
The Property Services Regulatory Authority's public registers
As part of the application process, duck egg producers must confirm that they will comply with food and hygiene regulations.
In order to be registered, a forester must achieve specific qualifications and have the required technical ability to perform the role.
This grant is for pupils whose normal place of residence is outside the range of public transport services to a school providing suitable free second-level education
Many colleges and universities or students’ unions have online accommodation databases
Rent Supplement is a payment for some people renting private housing who cannot afford their housing from their own income. To qualify you must meet one of the two qualifying conditions.
A social housing support which caters for the accommodation needs of certain people who are getting long-term rent supplement
There are no specific EU rules on hiring cars, but you still benefit from your basic consumer rights when you rent a car in another EU country.
How to report a death to the Coroner
Facility allowing users to report a fault or environmental concern to the Donegal County Council.
Facility allowing users to report a fault to Dublin City Council or request a service.
Digital Service Providers are required to report security incidents to the government
Operators of Essential Services are required to report security incidents to the government
Facility for users to report faulty street lights in Cork.
Report illegal content you see online
You can anonymously Report Suspected Fraud to the Department of Social Protection online, by phone or in writing. We investigate, but we do not provide you with any outcomes of these investigations.
You can make a report to the Department if you suspected an outbreak of quarantine pests and diseases or alien invasive species.
Booking facility provided by the Irish Prison Service to request a family visit to prison.
Facility enabling international delegations to request a meeting with Dublin City Council.
Booking facility provided by the Irish Prison Service for professional visits.
The quickest way to get a statement from the Department of Social Protection is through MyWelfare.ie. You can request a statement of payments, or your history and record of contributions.
Facility allowing users to request a statement of secondary level state examination results
If you need to apply for a social welfare payment, you can do this online or by downloading or requesting an application form. You can search for the form you need by using our list of Social Welfare Forms.
For payees on the Department of Education payrolls who wish to have Irish language copies of payslips and other correspondence
Proof of residence is proof that you have lived in Ireland for a certain period of time
The programme is aimed at supporting sustainable and competitive agricultural production.
The Results Based Environment Agri Pilot Programme (REAP) is an agri-environment pilot project that pays farmers to maintain and improve the environmental conditions of their land.
Information for teachers, special needs assistants, certain caretakers and certain clerical officers applying for retirement pension benefit on medical grounds
Check key dates on the Revenue Calendar
Access to the Revenue Online Service (ROS), which provides for the electronic payment of over 21 different taxes and duties for business clients.
A revised ex gratia scheme (“the Scheme”) established to implement the European Court of Human Rights judgement relating to childhood sexual abuse in day schools has now been reopened for applications
NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body
How to apply for a range of road maintenance permits from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
How to apply for a road opening licence
You can apply for all road opening licences through the Road Management Office's online system MapRoadLicensing
A Road Opening Licence is required if an individual/contractor wishes to excavate a section of public road
A licence is required if an individual/contractor wishes to open a footpath, road verge or street for any reason
Information about how to buy an electronic toll tag for toll roads in Ireland
Road traffic information collected by Transport Infrastructure Ireland on a daily basis.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force across the EU on 25 May 2018
Access to the Rules of the Road document.
The Rural Social Scheme gives a supplementary income for low-income farmers and fishermen or women unable to earn an adequate living. To qualify you must be getting a social welfare payment.
The Rutland Street Pre-School Project (Holy Child Pre-school) is a two-year pre-primary programme catering for 3-5 year olds
Section 482 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 provides tax relief to the owner/occupier of an approved building (including surrounding garden), or an approved garden existing independently, for costs incurred by its repair, maintenance or restoration.
Guidelines and resources to help children cross the road safely.
Safer Internet Ireland Project provides awareness, hotline and helpline functions
SafeSeas Ireland is Ireland's implementation of the European Maritime Safety Agency's SafeSeaNet messaging system.
Irish and EU law contains protections to help make sure that the products you buy are safe
If you want to erect a hoarding/fence/scaffold on a public roadway or public footpath, you need a licence
Meat and bonemeal (MBM) is a high-risk (category 1) by-product of the meat industry
The SSNO is a scheme that provides funding to voluntary organisations in Ireland
Support to school management bodies for the training and development of boards of management.
Information for school authorities and design teams involved in providing new or additional educational accommodation
Details of the standardised school year including the dates of Christmas, Easter and mid-term breaks
Facility that allows users to view school inspection reports and publications
The School Meals Programme provides funding towards food services for school children through two schemes, the Urban School Meals Scheme and School Meals Local Projects Scheme.
This allows staff to get an estimate of their retirement benefits based on the details entered
Applications can be made by visiting buseireann.ie/schooltransport
School Transport Appeals Board
Facility for teachers and students to download detailed Ordnance Survey Ireland and world maps
This scheme helps farmers to trade in sheep and goats for breeding purposes by providing information on the scrapie status of their animals.
How to get Seafarer's certificates for working on merchant ships or fishing vessels in Ireland.
Facilities to register for Seafarers Identification Numbers and to record, generate and verify seafarers' certificates.
Facility allowing users to search Cork City and County Archives.
Search facility for all further education and training courses
Facility that allows you to search for a registered doctor.
Use this service to find IE / IPC applications and licences
Search for primary schools, post primary schools and other education providers in your area
Use this service to find applications and licences relating to waste
Use this service to locate applications or authorisations relating to waste water discharge
Access to the search facility for the NACE Coder classification system.
Facility to search the register of charities or to download the full register as an Excel spreadsheet
Technical data on petroleum exploration and production activity in Ireland
Facility allowing users to search the National Archives catalogue.
Facility allowing users to search the National Gallery of Ireland's art catalogue, which includes core information about each piece.
Access images and information from the National Gallery's archives and special collections online.
Facility for users to search the National Gallery of Ireland's library catalogue, PORTICO.
Facility for users to search the National Library of Ireland's newspaper database.
Search facility for the National Library collections.
Search facility for the National Library of Ireland's photographic material.
Applications from teachers for secondment to European Schools
Secondment Scheme for teachers employed in recognised primary and post primary schools to External Organisations
Licences are only issued for seating on public property
The scheme ensures seed is produced, multiplied and marketed according to European Union regulations while maintaining the genetic integrity of the product.
The Department has a team of inspectors throughout the country who implement the certification scheme for seed potatoes.
The majority of samples come from seed merchants, farmers and the general public.
Request Pre Planning Report and Information around site of interest. This is required in order to book a preplanning meeting in Galway County Council
A list of benefits eligible self-employed people can access. Links to local enterprise offices which can help anyone considering starting their own business.
This information sets out the general process and rules involved in sending a body from Ireland for burial or cremation abroad
This service helps representatives of a deceased farmer to secure outstanding payments and deal with other paperwork.
You will need a verified MyGovID account to access these services. You will need a Public Services Card (PSC) and to be SAFE registered in order to have a verified MyGovID account.
The purpose of the scheme is to support farmers with affected land in the Shannon Callows that has prevented some farmers from conserving sufficient fodder (silage and/or hay) for the 2023/2024 winter due to exceptional flooding of the Shannon Callows
The Shass Landslide Scheme is being implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in response to a localised landslide which originated on Shass Mountain, close to the village of Drumkeeran, Co. Leitrim on the 28th June 2020. The objective of the DAFM Shass Landslide Scheme is to provide financial aid to individuals whose land agricultural lands were affected with peat silt and sludge as a result of the landslide.
Sheep Flock Registers record details of the number of goats on a farm and details of their movements.
Farmers are given financial support to improve the welfare of their flock.
The Short-Term Enterprise Allowance supports you if you have lost your job and want to start your own business. It is paid instead of your Jobseeker’s Benefit for a maximum of 9 months.
Short-Time Work Support is a form of Jobseeker's Benefit and is an income support payment for people temporarily placed on a shorter week by their employer. The way to apply is through MyWelfare.ie.
Sick leave for school staff
Sign licences are required to erect directional signs and advertisements for shops and businesses
Sign up to texts or emails from the department.
Details on Small Claims procedure, including links to make a claim online.
Small Public Service Vehicle age requirements and guidelines.
This department provides a range of tailored supports for enterprise of all sizes in Ireland
Details on the work of the Social Finance Foundation, which is a wholesale lender of social finance.
Information about how to access funding from the Social Innovation Fund Ireland (SIFI)
Participation is voluntary and it is open to all regions and farming enterprises
Solicitors claim fees in debtors cases when assigned as counsel by the court
The South East Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
The South West Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in their regions to assess and develop skills for their employees
A scheme of grants available to purchase educational equipment for primary and post-primary pupils who have been diagnosed with serious physical or communicative disabilities
Resources, publications and advice from the Special Education Support Service, which aims to improve special education provision
If someone dies from an accident at work or a disease related to work, a special Funeral Grant is available under Injury Benefit. The grant is €850. The person must have paid social insurance.
The redundancy arrangements for Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) were agreed at a national level at the Labour Relations Commission
The appointment of Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) is a matter for the individual school authority, subject to agreed procedures, and must take account of all appropriate legislation
Information on allocation of Special Needs Assistants (SNA) to schools
The special permit authorises particular vehicles which contravene the maximum weight and dimensions of mechanically propelled vehicles and trailers to be used on public roads
Access application guidelines and form for the Sports Capital Programme
Details on the Sports Capital Programme and how to apply
Springboard+, offers free courses at certificate, degree and masters level in sectors that need skilled personnel.
Information for schools in relation to standardised test and reporting results
Details of vacancies on State Boards, provided by the Public Appointments Service
Access to State Examinations and Trade Examination results
Information about the State Examinations, including information for candidates with special needs
A payment which you may qualify for at 66 if you have enough social insurance contributions
The State Pension (Non-contributory) is a means-tested payment if you don't qualify for a contributory pension on your PRSI contributions or if you only qualify for a reduced rate of State Pension.
In general, full-time employees are entitled to a minimum of 20 days' annual leave in each leave year
The Straw Incorporation Measure is a payment for chopping straw and incorporating it into the soil.
The measures are designed to support arts and culture facilities in preparation for staff, artists and audiences returning to venues to reopen
A Street Furniture Licence is required prior to the placement of tables and chairs outside a premises where food is sold
The stud book records the animal’s lineage, detailing all their known antecedents. Non-pedigree equines are not eligible for entry in a studbook.
Financial Assistance for Accommodation for Traveller, Roma, and Care Experienced Students in Higher Education
Find out how to complain about a third-level institution, and where to go if you're not happy with how the institution dealt with your complaint
Financial supports available for students engaging in further and higher education.
Information for international students wishing to study at an Irish university or college
Marine Notices are information notices issued by the Department of Transport to publicise important safety, regulatory and other information relating to the maritime sector in Ireland
Submit a Petition to Parliament
A research tender is an open call for research into areas relevant the Department of Justice
System for submitting Statutory Notices to Build (Commencement Notices).
Change your course choice on your CAO application
Facility allowing users to submit planning applications with Dublin City Council.
Existing partnerships that are registered with the Department can transfer to the succession farm partnership register by fulfilling the additional criteria required by the incentive.
A scheme aimed at encouraging best practice in intergenerational land transfer
Scheme to allow schools undertake small-scale building works during the summer months or at other times that avoid disrupting the operation of the school.
A Supplementary Welfare Allowance supplement may be paid to assist you meet ongoing additional expenses which a person could not reasonably be expected to meet out of their weekly income.
Supports for entrepreneurs in Ireland
There are over 170 different government supports for start-ups and small businesses in Ireland
Facility that allows users take a 360° tour of the National Library.
Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Schemes provide grants to farmers to build and/or improve a specified range of farm buildings and equipment.
Information relating to the TB Eradication Scheme
Scoilnet portal has teaching and learning resources for the primary and post-primary sectors
Information for anyone thinking of becoming a teacher or returning to work as a teacher in Ireland.
Telephone Support Allowance €2.50 a week for people who live alone and are already in receipt of certain other social welfare payments. It assists with the cost of communications or home security.
The Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy is a scheme which allow employers to pay their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This scheme facilitates two eligible teachers, with the approval of their respective employers, to apply for temporary reassignment to a different school for educational purposes
Applications for a temporary road closure must be made 6 weeks prior to the temporary road closure
This scheme allows you to purchase your apartment if your apartment complex has been set aside for sale to tenants by your local authority.
Information on who can use the Tender Advisory Service.
Revenue may only issue a Bookmaker’s Licence where the applicant holds a Certificate of Personal Fitness
These schemes allow students to rent textbooks from their school for the school year
Thatching Grant
Facility providing data from the 1901 and 1911 censuses and fragments from 1821 to 1851 censuses.
Facility allowing users access to a range of online services offered by the Arts Council, the government agency for funding and developing the arts.
Facility that allows the user to search the High Court case tracking system, which contains details of all cases since August 1993.
Details of the work of the Law Reform Commission.
This scheme was established for the benefit of women who were admitted to and worked in the 10 Magdalen Institutions as well as St Mary’s Training Centre Stanhope Street and the House of Mercy Domestic Training School Summerhill, Wexford.
The role of the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland is to proactively support small and medium-sized enterprises in accessing flexible finance.
The scheme provides financial support to farmers to help them improve competitiveness and efficiency.
The scheme facilitates the Tillage Sector to develop a targeted and precise approach focusing on environmental dividends, efficiency and growth
The Tillage Incentive Scheme (TIS) is a support measure for farmers to incentivise the increase in the eligible tillage crops in 2022 to reduce the dependency on imported feed material.
Upload details of accommodation, attractions, activities and events for display on Fáilte Ireland websites.
Centralised library of free tourism promotional images, video copy and other marketing assets.
If you are trading in live animals or products of animal origin, the person responsible for the consignment will also need access to the online system ‘TRACES'
Facility for registered foresters to track forestry applications.
Track the progress of your college or university application
Trade plates are special registration plates obtainable only by motor traders
he grant is available for the conservation of traditional farm outbuildings, including roof, walls, structural repairs, windows and doors. The grant is also available for other related farm structures including historic yard surfaces, walls, gate pillars and gates.
Traffic data collected from the Transport Infrastructure Ireland traffic counters located on the National Road Network.
A Traineeship combines learning in the classroom and experience in the workplace to improve employment outcomes for participants and increase retention and productivity in the sector.
The Training Support Grant funds access to training, or certification and allows jobseekers that have identified work opportunities or an immediate skills gap to take up a job offer.
The rules on pension transfers vary from country to country. Returning emigrants are advised to contact the relevant regulatory authorities in the country where they have the pension savings.
Transfer of Public Service Pension for teachers and non-teaching staff
An overview of transport rights for those with reduced mobility.
Travel Pass scheme for teachers, special needs assistants, clerical officers, caretakers and child care workers paid on payrolls operated by the Department of Education as paymaster
An overview of Traveller Accommodation.
Treatment Benefit may help meet the cost of dental or optical care, hearing aids and hair replacement products. You claim through your dentist, optician, audiologist or hair replacement provider.
The Turkish Government are offering 5 Scholarships to Irish students at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.
Typing tuition is available to visually impaired pupils on the recommendation of the visiting teacher for the visually impaired
The Tús initiative is a community work placement scheme providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people. The opportunities are to benefit the community in urban and rural areas.
Each local authority has appointed an Unfinished Housing Development Coordinator to assist with the resolution of issues arising for the public.
The maximum amount of unpaid leave which may be taken in one school year is 10 school days
How to import untreated wool and hair produced from animals.
Up-cycling of Bicycles and eBikes Pilot Initiative
Contact facility that allows customers to securely send and receive correspondence to and from Revenue.
Interactive facility that offers individuals a quick, secure and cost-effective method to manage taxes online.
Access to the Central Statistics Office's eForm service, which allows users complete surveys in a secure environment.
Information on Vacant Homes Schemes
A payment you can get if you are turning a vacant house or building into your permanent home
Facility that allows vehicle owners check the status of a vehicle change of ownership notification.
Vehicle testing requirements in Ireland.
This is an EU quality scheme which aims to protect the names of specific products to promote their unique characteristics, linked to their geographical origin as well as traditional know-how.
View a list of all licensed passenger boats operating in Irish waters.
The eTenders procurement website displays all Irish public sector procurement opportunities currently being advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union as well as other lower-value contracts.
Data sets published by Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
Statistics and reports on employment trends and the employment outlook for different jobs
This facility allows users to view Exchequer tax receipts on a monthly basis from January 1984 to the present.
GIS content from Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
Access all the maps, reports and data the Department holds on the mining sector
Access to StatBank, the Central Statistics Office's databank of official statistics.
Guidelines for people who wish to travel to Ireland and require a visa to do so.
Visit Dublin is a resource to help tourists discover the best of Ireland's capital city.
A second chance education and training programme which provides courses of up to two years duration for unemployed people.
Voluntary or Compulsory is a retirement option that allows teachers and non-teaching staff to retire with payment of pension benefits without actuarial reduction.
Special leave, with pay, may be granted to a teacher who is a member of a voluntary search and rescue organisation if they are called out on a search and rescue operation
The Voluntary Work Option allows jobseekers to work in the voluntary sector. This is normally for a few hours a day but full-time roles in voluntary groups can be agreed with your case officer.
A Volunteer Development Worker works in a job in a developing country arranged through Irish Aid. They do not have to pay Social Insurance contributions while they are out of Ireland.
Find your local volunteering centre in Ireland
Information on the options for voluntary activity in Ireland.
Rules and regulations regarding voting in a referendum
To be eligible to vote you must be at least 18 years old and ordinarily resident in Ireland
The Wage Subsidy Scheme gives financial incentives to employers to employ people with a disability. The work must be for a minimum of 21 hours a week and the subsidy is for up to 39 hours a week.
The Rural Recreation Officer is the contact person for walking tourists and they provide a wide range of support and advice
How landowners can contact their Rural Recreation Officer about the Walks Scheme
This Register includes all waste facility permits and certificates of registration issued by local authorities
Current waste facility permits and certificates of registration for County Clare
Access to a number of guidance videos from agfood.ie.
Watch Live Oireachtas Debates
Video tutorials regarding acccessing Mayo County Council services.
Advice on looking after water sources at a community level
Facility for online booking of Waterways Ireland Dry Docks.
Registration guidelines for crafts and canal permits, as well as log in permission for event and attractions listings.
Water-based activities and recreation information from Waterways Ireland.
Purchase or download Waterways Ireland-related merchandise.
The West Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees
The steps you need to take if someone dies away from home
Contact your local coroner's office at least 14 days in advance
A Widowed(Parent) or Surviving Civil Partner Grant is a once-off, €8,000, payment to help with income support needs of a widowed partner immediately following the death of their spouse.
Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's (Contributory) Pension is paid to the husband, wife or civil partner of a deceased person. You or the deceased must have enough PRSI contributions.
Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Non-contributory) Pension is a means-tested payment to spouse who does not qualify for the Widow’s, Widower’s (Contributory) Pension.
One document can be used for a number of wild game, but only when they were shot by the same hunter in the same locality within a reasonable timeframe such as a day's shoot.
How to import wild land mammals and farmed rabbits.
The scheme provides an incentive to women farmers to upgrade their agricultural buildings and equipment
The scheme offers financial support to forest owners for sustainable forest management
This scheme provides financial support to forest owners towards the cost of thinning broadleaf forests and broadleaf mixtures.
Work and Access is a set of supports to help people with a disability get or stay in work
The Work Placement Experience Programme is a 6-month voluntary work experience programme for jobseekers on a qualifying social welfare payment. You must have been unemployed for 6 months.
Employers who host a WPEP participant provide a 30-hour a week work experience placement for 6 months. There is no cost to the employer. The participant is paid by the department during their placement.
The Working Family Payment is a weekly, tax-free payment available to employees with children. It gives extra financial support to families with children with rates depending on their incomes.
The Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant goes towards adapting workplaces for people with a disability who are offered a job, or are changing job, and need a more accessible workplace.
View written records of Oireachtas Debates
The scheme provides financial help to young farmers to upgrade their agricultural buildings and equipment
This is a payment made to young farmers educated in agriculture to help them succeed in farming.
This scheme improves efficiency, drives growth and creates environmental benefits.
The Your Europe portal gives individuals and businesses practical information on their rights and opportunities in the EU. It focuses on real-life, cross-border situations, e.g. European citizens wishing to work or study in another country in the EU, or European businesses wanting to move to or open a new branch in another country in the EU.
An overview of what passengers can expect aboard Iarnrod Eireann/Irish Rail services.
The most commonly asked questions about passport applications.
The Youth Employment Support Scheme was a work experience programme for jobseekers aged 18-24 who were long-term unemployed. There is now a new initiative the Work Placement Experience Programme.
The Youth Employment Support Scheme was a work experience placement programme targeted at young jobseekers aged 18-24 who were long-term unemployed or faced barriers to employment.
The Youthreach programme provides two years integrated education, training and work experience for unemployed early school leavers without any qualifications or vocational training who are between 15 and 20 years of age
Щомісячний платіж у розмірі 800 євро доступний для вас, якщо ви надаєте житло особі або людям, які прибули до Ірландії згідно з Директивою ЄС про тимчасовий захист з березня 2022 року
Ежемесячный платеж в размере 800 евро доступен вам, если вы предоставляете жилье лицу или людям, прибывшим в Ирландию в соответствии с Директивой ЕС о временной защите с марта 2022 года.