Register of Users: Personal Public Service (PPS) Number
From Department of Social Protection
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From Department of Social Protection
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Specified Bodies are asked to submit a return for this register which outlines their ongoing use and future plans for the PPS Number. The register below is a reflection of those bodies who have contributed to date. The information provided in these returns can help clients understand why their PPS Number has been requested by an organisation. The Register is updated when new information is received.
Specified bodies who contribute to the Register answer the following questions:
There is a duty to ensure compliance with the principles of processing personal data which are set out in Article 5(1) and 5(2) of the GDPR. These principles are summarised as follows
Have you measures in place to ensure that the Public Service Identity data you hold /collect, whether held in electronic or written format, is secure and that it is accessible and processed, only in connection with the purpose for which it has been provided?
Any queries regarding the Register of Users may be addressed to:
The Compliance Section does not issue PPS Numbers and deals with queries relating to the Register of Users only
The information published on the Register of User return has been compiled from many sources. While all reasonable care has been taken in the compilation and publication of the contents of the Register, access to and use of the information herein is entirely at the risk of the user. While every effort is made in preparing material for publication no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the department for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on the Register. The information should not, by itself, be relied upon in determining legal rights or other decisions. The Department of Social Protection does not assume legal or other liability for any inaccuracy, mistake, mis-statement or any other error whatsoever submitted from any other entity outside of the department.
*Please click on the links below to view the full listing under each heading