Update of the National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport
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Consultation is closed
Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, has launched a six-week public consultation seeking submissions from wider transport and energy sector stakeholders to inform the development of an updated National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure in Transport.
The purpose of the Issues Paper document and call for submissions is to invite written submissions from key stakeholders and all parties with an interest in the development, regulation and use of alternative fuels infrastructure in the transport sector.
Submissions received on foot of this issues paper will inform the preparation of an updated National Policy Framework on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport, in line with the requirements of the recently adopted Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 (AFIR) on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU, which came into full application across all EU Member States from 13 April 2024.
This updated policy framework will revise and replace the existing National Policy Framework on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland 2017-2030, to reflect the recently established mandatory alternative fuels infrastructure targets and requirements that have been set out under AFIR, and the evolution in national policy and climate ambition since the adoption of the previous Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (2014/94/EU).
The Department of Transport expects to advance and publish an updated draft policy framework for further consultation in the second half of 2024, with final policy frameworks required to be submitted to the EU Commission by 31 December 2025.
This consultation is open to all parties for comment, however, is expected to be of particular interest to those bodies who are (or who expect to be):
• involved in the manufacture, installation, ownership, use or operation of electric vehicle charging points;
• involved in the manufacture, installation, ownership, use or operation of liquefied methane refuelling infrastructure or hydrogen refuelling infrastructure;
• energy transmission and/or distribution system operators;
• regional and local authorities;
• public transport, freight and logistics transport operators, shipping operators, aviation services providers and airport and port authorities;
• involved in research & development in the transport and energy sectors; or
• other public sector bodies, businesses, industry and representative bodies in the transport and energy sectors.
This issues paper should be read alongside Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 in order to ensure a full understanding of the mandated requirements and questions posed.
The Department would ask that all responses and submissions to this AFIR Issues Paper be forwarded to climateengagement@transport.gov.ie no later than close of business on Friday, 14 June and entitled:
‘AFIR Issues Paper: Response from [ Organisation | Individual ]’.
Respondents are advised that the Department of Transport is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007–2014 and the Data Protection Act 2018.
In making a response to this call for submissions, contributors should note that submissions received will be published online following the conclusion of the consultation and review period.
Should your response to this consultation incorporate any sensitive information or information which you would not wish to be released under FOI, AIE or otherwise published, please ensure to clearly indicate where your response contains any such information. This can include:
• personal information
• commercially sensitive information
• confidential information
For the avoidance of doubt, respondents should not assert confidentiality or commercial sensitivity over their entire submission but must clearly identify the specific sections containing such information.
The Department’s privacy statement is available for further review here.