Public Consultation on the timetable and work programme for Ireland’s fourth-cycle Water Action Plan 2028 – 2033
From Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
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From Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
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Open for submissions from
Submissions closed
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Consultation is open
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage invites submissions, observations and comments on the timetable and work programme for the development of Ireland’s fourth-cycle Water Action Plan 2028 – 2033.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek the public’s views on the timetable and work programme which sets out the main steps and milestones in the process of preparing Ireland’s fourth Water Action Plan, which will be published by December 2027.
This is the first of three public consultation stages related to the three-year development of the fourth-cycle Water Action Plan. Each public consultation will last for six months. The public consultation will run to 25 July 2025.
Members of the public are invited to make submissions, observations and comments on the timetable and work programme for the development of the fourth-cycle Water Action Plan.
To assist you, a document explaining the purpose of the public consultation and an outline of the objectives of the third Water Action Plan has been developed. A short, targeted questionnaire has also been developed to facilitate responses to some of the key questions we have in relation to the development of the next Water Action Plan. The responses we receive to this questionnaire will allow us to determine the public opinion on the current Water Action Plan and the level of engagement between the implementation bodies and the stakeholders. It will also help us to shape the development of the consultation process at different stages of the Plan and will guide us in our assessment of the success of the measures we have put in place in the current Water Action Plan to improve water quality.
The relevant documents may be accessed by clicking on the link in the section titled ‘Documents’.
Your completed questionnaire, or If you have any other submissions, observations or comments can be sent directly to us at:
Written submissions can be sent to:
Interested parties are invited to make written submissions or comments no later than 5:00pm, 25 July 2025 .
Please note that all submissions received may be made available on the Government’s website. See the consultation’s Privacy Statement under the ‘Documents’ section for further information.
All submissions and comments submitted to the Department for this purpose are subject to release under the the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 and the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007-2014 . Submissions are also subject to Data Protection legislation.
Personal, confidential or commercially sensitive information should not be included in your submission (other than your name or contact details). It will be presumed that all information contained in your submission is releasable under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
The information provided by respondents will be used in order to refine and finalise the work programme for the fourth Water Action Plan.
Please note: that submissions and observations received will be made available on the Department’s website, unless otherwise requested. In any event, all submissions received will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, Access to Information on the Environment Regulations and Data Protection legislation. See also the Privacy Statement under the Documents link above.