FS007383 Oriel Windfarm Limited, Site Investigations for the proposed offshore Oriel Wind Farm
From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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Status: Determination
Reference Number: FS007383
Date Received: 2021-05-21
Oriel Windfarm Limited
Digital Office Centre, Balheary Road, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E5A0.
Oriel Windfarm Limited (Oriel) is an Irish renewable energy company developing the proposed Oriel offshore wind farm located in the North-West Irish Sea, 22km off the coast of Dundalk, County Louth. The proposed Oriel offshore wind farm will include wind turbines mounted onto a foundation installed into the seabed, an offshore substation and interlinking cabling between the turbines and the substation and an export cable between the substation and the shore.
Oriel has applied for a Foreshore Licence to undertake detailed geotechnical and geophysical investigations, ecological surveys and metocean surveys. The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to investigate the stability of the soil for the design of foundations and the detailed routing of the inter array and export cables. The purpose of the geophysical survey is to characterise the layers of sediment/rock underneath the seafloor and to achieve a detailed seabed morphology and seafloor mapping. Further ecological surveys and measurements of the wind, wave and currents (metocean) will also be undertaken.
This Foreshore Licence application is for permission to undertake these survey works on the proposed development site. Oriel proposes to apply for a licence for a duration of 36 months.
Off the coast of County Louth, to the east of Dundalk Bay.
FS007383 Investigative Foreshore Licence Application - ORE
FS007383 Foreshore Licence Site Investigation Area Map
FS007383 Site Boundary with Protected Sites & Designated Areas Map
FS007383 Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey: Supporting Information
Viewing Locations:
A copy of the application and the relevant documents, maps, plans, and drawings, are available for inspection, between 15 December 2021 and 27 January 2022, free of charge at:
• Planning Office of Louth County Council, Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Opening hours: 9am to 5 pm Monday to Friday - Appointment not required.
• Dundalk Garda Station, The Crescent, Demesne, Dundalk, County Louth. Opening hours: 24/7 Monday to Sunday - Appointment not required.
Commencement Date:
15 December 2021
Closing Date:
27 January 2022
Making a submission:
Submissions can be made to: Foreshore Unit, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Newtown Road, Wexford, Co Wexford, or email foreshoreORE@housing.gov.ie
Please ensure the following reference is quoted in the submission header: FS007383 Oriel Wind Farm S.I.
Submissions received outside of the public consultation period cannot be considered.
The Department wishes to draw attention to its policy on defamatory material that may be contained in submissions it receives.
**Public Consultation (Section 19 of the Foreshore Act, 1933 as amended)
**Prescribed Bodies Consultation (Section 19 of the Foreshore Act, 1933 as amended)
**Applicant Response to Consultation Submissions
FS007383 Oriel's Response to Prescribed Bodies Submissions and Public Submissions
FS007383 Foreshore Licence Application: Non-Statutory Environmental Report
FS007383 Foreshore Licence Application: Non-Statutory Environmental Report. Appx A-Vessel & Equipment Data Sheet
FS007383 Foreshore Licence Application: Supporting information for the Stage 1 Screening for Appropriate Assessment
FS007383 Foreshore Licence Application: Supporting information for the Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment
FS007383 Marine Advisor Environment Screening Stage Report
FS007383 Marine Advisor Screening for EIA Determination
FS007383 Screening Determination for Appropriate Assessment
FS007383 Submission on Screening for Appropriate Assessment Determination, signed
Viewing Locations:
A copy of the application and the relevant documents, maps, plans, and drawings, are available for inspection, between 14 June 2022 and 14 July 2022, free of charge at:
- Planning Office of Louth County Council, Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth
- Dundalk Garda Station, The Crescent, Demense, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Commencement Date:
Closing Date:
Making a submission:
Submissions can be made to: Foreshore Unit, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Newtown Road, Wexford, Co Wexford or email foreshoreORE@housing.gov.ie
Please ensure the following reference is quoted in the submission header: FS007383 Oriel Windfarm SI - Consultation on Stage 2 AA
Submissions received outside of the public consultation period cannot be considered.
The Department wishes to draw attention to its policy on defamatory material that may be contained in submissions it receives.
Public Consultation Submissions and Prescribed Bodies Consultation Stage 2 Documents
**Public Submissions under Regulation 42(6) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011, as amended
FS007383 Applicants Response to Public Submission from S42 Consultation
**Prescribed Bodies Consultation under Regulation 42(6) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011, as amended
FS007383 Prescribed Body Observations from S42 Consultation
FS007383 Oriel's Response to PB Observations from S42 Consultation
FS007383 Appropriate Assessment Report prepared by Departments Marine Advisor
FS007383 Environmental Assessment and Determinations Report prepared by Departments Marine Advisor
FS007383 Appropriate Assessment Determination Approved by Minister
FS007383 Appropriate Assessment Determination Conclusion Statement - Signed
FS007383 Approval of Minister to grant Foreshore Licence
FS007383 Notice of Determination in Iris Oifigiuil, 02-06-2023
FS007383 Notice of Determination in Irish Independent 10-06-2023