Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs)
From Department of Rural and Community Development
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From Department of Rural and Community Development
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Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) are groups established in each local authority area.
An LCDC is made up of:
LCDCs draw on the expertise and experience of public and private people and organisations in each local authority area.
LCDCs are responsible for:
Further information is available on the relevant Local Community Development Committees List.
The Putting People First - Action Programme for Effective Local Government was published in October 2012. It recommended the introduction of LCDCs in each local authority area as a way of improving community development and giving local government a more central role in local and community development.
The Local Government Reform Act 2014 provides a stronger and clearer role for local government in economic development and community development. This is a key element in achieving the vision set out in Putting People First - Action Programme for Effective Local Government: that “local government will be the main vehicle of governance and public service at local level, leading economic, social and community development”.
The Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) plan sets out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of the relevant local authority area, both by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders. As the framework for the economic development and local/community development of the local authority area, the LECP should also be the primary mechanism at local level to bring forward relevant actions arising from national and regional strategies and policies that have a local remit.
The process for the development of the LECP is set out in the Act, with the economic elements of the plan developed and monitored by the Strategic Policy Committees (SPC) for Economic development and Enterprise and the community elements developed and monitored by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDC). The approval of the integrated plan is a reserved function of the Local Authority.
A key function of the LCDCs is to prepare the community elements of 6-year Local Economic and Community Plans (LECPs).
The purpose of the plan is to promote the local and community development of each local authority area. This is done through a coordinated approach to planning and service delivery.
The plan focuses on measures which will:
Published LECPS can be viewed on the relevant Local Authority website . You can also view the Local Economic and Community Plans Guidelines.
Our Department in conjunction with Dept of Housing, Local Government and Heritage launched the LECP Guidelines on 11th November. An initial information session was held with over 340 attendees on 9th December. This information session provided an overview of the Guidelines, key changes to the Guidelines and the next steps.
There were presentations on Background, New Approach and Economic and Community Elements including roles of LCDCs and SPCs; LECP’s – A Local Authority Perspective; and Next Steps – Plan for further support events.
The presentations and a recording of the event appear below.
LECP Support Webinar 1 - ‘Getting Started’
Our Department in cooperation with Dept of Housing, Local Government and Heritage held the first LECP Support Webinar, ‘Getting Started’ on 24th March. This was the first of the four planned LECP events. Presentations were given on Key First Steps and Available Data Sets, as well as a look at the experience of one LCDC on reviewing existing plans and setting up an Advisory Steering Group.
The presentations and a recording of the event appear below. We have included an additional presentation on ‘Putting Socio-Economic Data to Use’ that you may find useful as well.
LCDC Experience - Reviewing Plans and Advisory Steering Group
LECP Support Webinar 2 - ‘LECP Economic Training’
The second LECP Support Webinar, ‘LECP Economic Training’ was held on 27th April. The Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage, in cooperation with Department of Rural and Community Development, hosted this event in order to assist the drafting of the Economic portion of the new LECPs. Speakers included representatives from the LEO Network, the Southern Regional Assembly, Kildare County Council and various government departments.
A recording of the event and the presentation slides appear below.
The Regional Spatial Economic Strategies and Links to the LECPs
LECP Training Webinar 3 - ‘Climate and Environment’
The third LECP Training Webinar, ‘Climate and Environment’ was held on 25th May. The Department of Rural and Community Development, in cooperation with Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage, hosted this event in order to assist with the drafting of the new LECPs, with a focus on how Climate Actions can be incorporated.
Speakers included representatives from the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), CAROs, and Kildare County Council.
A recording of the event and the presentation slides can be accessed below.
2. Climate Action & Local Authority Climate Action Plans
LECP Support Webinar 4 - ‘Community/Social & Cultural’
The fourth and final LECP Support Webinar, LECP Community/Social & Cultural was held on 22nd June which focused on Community/Society, including Health and Well-Being. The Department of Rural and Community Development, hosted this event in conjunction with the Department of Health, Healthy Cities & Communities Cork City, IHREC and National Age Friendly Ireland in order to assist the drafting of the new LECPs.
A recording of the event and the presentation slides appear below.
1. Healthy Ireland and Local Economic and Community Plans
The Department of Rural and Community Development conducted a comprehensive review of the Local Community Development Committees in 2019. The aim of the review was to build and inform the ongoing development of LCDCs. Implementation of the recommendations of the review are on-going.
The department hosted the third national networking event for LCDCs in October 2024.
The purpose of the annual event is to support LCDC members, encourage networking and establish best practice from an operational and project perspective.
The agenda and Presentations from the event can be viewed below.
Public Participation Networks - Implementation Roadmap
Children and Young People’s Services Committees -Review
Review of the Guidelines for the Operation of Local Community Development Committees
National Rollout of Local Community Safety Partnerships
LCDC –National and Local Programme of Awareness campaign
ASR funding has been provided annually to the local authorities since 2017 to support the community function, including administrative support to the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs). The current ASR funds over 60 staff positions with a total fund of €2.905 million in 2024.
A comprehensive review of the ASR funding commenced in autumn 2022 and concluded early 2024.
The ASR review itself was a recommendation of the LCDC Review published in 2019. The Review found that the LCDCs were performing an expanding range of functions, and that there is a well evidenced need to continue the funding to local authorities, in some form, but recommended changes to the allocation model. The focus in designing a new model was on providing maximum flexibility to local authorities whilst keeping the administrative and reporting burden to a reasonable minimum.
Additional funding was secured for the community policy vote (which includes ASR funding) for 2024 and this was reflected in the allocations. Minister O’Brien announced this increase in funding of almost €1m to local authorities to support their community functions on 2nd May 2024.
Details of ASR Funding since 2020 are available here .
Information on funding allocated to Local Community Development Committees can be found here: Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs)
If you have any questions about Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) please contact LCDCSupport@drcd.gov.ie