Hammond Lane Dublin Family Courts Public Private Partnership (PPP) Project launched to market today
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The National Development Finance Agency has today held a market launch for the Family Courts project at Hammond Lane, Dublin, which will be delivered by Public Private Partnership (PPP).
At the event, prospective tenderers heard from the project team and saw some of the project plans in greater detail.
The next phase of the procurement process will short-list a number of suitably qualified bidders to advance to the bidding stage.
It is anticipated that construction on the new Family Courts complex will commence in 2026 and be completed during 2028.
The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, the Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works, Kieran O'Donnell TD attended the launch where they met with representatives of the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA), the Courts Service, and the Office of Public Works (OPW).
Speaking at the event about the importance of the project, Minister McEntee said:
The development of a new purpose-built Family Courts complex at Hammond Lane will benefit families who interact with the courts at some of the most challenging junctures in their lives.
It is important that family cases can be heard in a dignified, secure, and non-threatening environment, with the availability of wraparound family related support services to ensure they have the best possible care and supports.
Hammond Lane will replace the sub-optimal facilities at Dolphin House, Phoenix House, and Chancery Street Courthouse. Once built it will be future proofed for generations and will be an important landmark in Ireland’s legal infrastructure for years to come. It will realise the full potential of the Family Justice Strategy and Family Courts Bill and today brings us one step closer to that.
Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform Paschal Donohoe TD said:
The Family Courts Complex exemplifies the objectives of the NDP to deliver the essential infrastructure necessary to meet our future economic and social needs.
This project will rejuvenate, modernise, and effectively ensure the future proofing of the infrastructure within our justice system.
Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works Kieran O’ Donnell TD said:
It is great to see momentum building on this essential project which is a priority for Government.
The design of the complex has been expertly developed by the OPW, following the establishment of the brief of requirements with the Courts Service and extensive engagement with stakeholders and building users. Ensuring the accessibility of services for those who need them and the dignity of children and families interacting with family law services is at forefront of these designs.”
Angela Denning, Chief Executive Officer of The Courts Service said:
There has been a determined focus by the Courts Service going back many years to bring this important project to fruition.
We will keep the momentum going and look forward to working with the Office of Public Works and the National Development Finance Agency to deliver this much-needed facility as quickly as possible.
The Family Courts complex will be a six storey over basement building and will include 19 courtrooms, consultation spaces, staff and judicial accommodation, a variety of public waiting areas, space for mediation and domestic violence support services, accommodation for legal practitioners and custody facilities.
Planning permission was granted by the Commissioners of Public Works on 2 April 2024.
The Market launch of the Dublin Family Courts PPP project today follows the issuing of the Contract Notice on 26th July to initiate the first stage of the PPP procurement process, the pre-qualification/shortlisting of potential bidders by the NDFA.