Facts and Figures
From International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS)
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From International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS)
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The International Protection Accommodation Service publishes weekly and monthly reports here, showing numbers of residents, information by county and other details.
We cannot provide details of changes in specific site’s occupancy levels, to protect residents’ security and privacy, and because the provision of accommodation is fluid and emergency in nature.
Due to significant shortages of accommodation, IPAS has not been able to offer accommodation to every person seeking international protection since 04 December 2023. Weekly updates on people who have not been accommodated are available here.
IPAS has contracted many centres to provide accommodation to people seeking international protection. While specific individual contractual arrangements are considered commercially sensitive, the Department publishes reports on all payments over €20,000. These reports are published quarterly and are available here.
Statistics in relation to the deaths of residents in IPAS provided accommodation here.