Just Transition Progress Reports
From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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The Climate Action Plan commits to delivering a just transition, recognising the significant level of change required and that the burden must be as fairly distributed as possible. De-carbonising the economy presents significant challenges but also brings important opportunities to respond and create learning on how best to deliver a just transition.
The Government of Ireland asked the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) to examine the transition to a low-carbon future and to provide recommendations, in order to better understand and prepare for a ‘just transition’.
The Wider Midlands is the first region in Ireland experiencing a concentrated transition away from carbon intensive activities. Jobs in peat will make way for jobs in renewable energy, bog rehabilitation and other new business opportunities. DECC has established a National Just Transition Fund to ensure that workers and the Midlands as a community are fully supported.
The Government has responded to the recommendations made by the Just Transition Commissioner for the Midlands region through his progress reports by publishing the Midlands Implementation Plan as part of the Climate Action Plan 2021.
The Minister appointed Kieran Mulvey as Just Transition Commissioner in November 2019 to engage with stakeholders in the Midlands region and recommend the essential elements of a just transition.
The first progress report from the Just Transition Commissioner was published on the 22 May 2020 and the government published their initial response the same day.
The second progress report was published on the 25 November 2020, providing a further update on progress on just transition in the Midlands.
The third progress report was published in July 2021 along with an update on the implementation of the Just Transition across the Midlands.
The fourth progress was published in April 2022. This is the final progress report of the Just Transition Commissioner, as his current mandate expired in December 2021.
Just Transition Fourth and Final Progress Report - December 2021
Update on the implementation of the Just Transition programme in the Midlands - July 2021
Just Transition Second Progress Report - September 2020