Veterinary Practice Capital Modernisation Scheme (VPCMS)
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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The VPCMS is set up to help provide financial assistance towards the modernisation of IT devices and essential equipment used by Private Veterinary Practitioners (PVPs) and Veterinary Practices. DAFM has developed this scheme in support of the goal of the eradication of bovine TB in Ireland by 2030.
The work of veterinary practitioners is integral to achieving results towards the goal. It is therefore imperative that all avenues are explored to bring as many efficiencies as possible to operations by veterinary practitioners and practices to help achieve these results. The VPCMS aims to incentivise the purchase of modern IT equipment that reduce human error, speeds up the sharing of data with DAFM and allows for synergies with future DAFM policy and IT developments.
The VPCMS seeks to encourage PVPs to use equipment that DAFM views as most effective for the testing procedures for disease eradication programmes, bring about a standardisation to testing programmes and set newly qualified PVPs on the correct course with regard to the testing regime.
The scheme will be open from 22 February 2024 until 20 December 2025. This will give practices enough time to purchase any approved handheld device/EID, PC or laptop or any testing bundles that they have been approved for.
The closing date for application forms will be 29 April 2024 at 17:30. Practices must have their application forms with the entirety of the proposed purchases with DAFM by this date.
Applications should be returned by post to:
Terms and Conditions (Veterinary Practice Capital Modernisation Scheme)