Horticulture Crisis Fund
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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The Horticulture Crisis Fund (HCF) is a support measure that will be provided in the form of a once off payment to growers of horticulture that are most affected by the continued high level of input costs. The growers that will be supported under this measure are, brown mushrooms, heated strawberries, field vegetables (excluding potatoes), field salad crops, apples, vertically farmed greens and glasshouse high wire crops.
The HCF is funded pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation 2023/1465 providing for emergency financial support for the agricultural sectors affected by specific problems impacting on the economic viability of agricultural producers. The details of the scheme have been notified to the Commission in accordance with Article 4 (1) of this regulation.
To be eligible for consideration under the HCF, applicants must meet the following key conditions:
o Glasshouse high-wire crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers)
o Brown Mushrooms
o Field vegetables (eligible crops listed in Appendix 1 of Terms & Conditions)
o Field salad crops (eligible crops listed in Appendix 1 of Terms & Conditions)
o Apples for the dessert, culinary and processing markets
o Heated strawberries (glasshouses only)
o Vertically grown greens
In addition:
o Applicants must have submitted a valid 2023 Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) application prior to the BISS closing date of midnight 29 May 2023.
o Applicants must have declared a minimum of 3 hectares of eligible vegetable crops on their BISS application. Eligible crops can be found in Appendix 1.
o Applicants must have submitted a valid 2023 BISS application declaring eligible crops prior to the BISS closing date of 29 May 2023. Eligible crops can be found in Appendix 1.
The total fund available for this Scheme is €2,382,460
• Glasshouse high-wire crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers)
Payments to growers of high-wire crops will be made on an area basis (per hectare) for crops being grown in 2023. The final rate of payment will depend on the number of eligible applicants and the area applied for. Polytunnels and unheated glass houses are not eligible for payment.
• Field vegetables
Payments to growers of field vegetables will be made on an area basis (per hectare) for eligible crops grown in 2023. Payment areas for field vegetable will be determined by the area of eligible crops declared on the 2023 BISS application. The rate of payment will depend on the number of eligible applicants and the total area applied for.
• Field salad crops
Payments to growers of field salad crops will be made on an area basis (per hectare) for eligible crops grown in 2023. The rate of payment will depend on the number of eligible applicants and the total area applied for.
• Apples /Heated strawberries / vertical grown greens
Payments to growers of Apples / Heated strawberries / vertical grown greens will be made on an area basis (per hectare) for crops being grown in 2023. The rate of payment to growers of Apples / heated strawberries / vertical grown greens will depend on the number of eligible applicants and the total area applied for on the HCF application form.
• Brown Mushrooms
For brown mushrooms, payments will be based on the quantity (weight in kg) of brown mushrooms sold over the period from 1st January 2023 to 30th September 2023. Growers are required to provide proof of sales over this period and must also provide receipts for the quantity of mushroom compost purchased over this period as part of their application. Where multiple farms are in the control of one beneficial owner, a single application should be made.
Please submit your HCF Application Form using the link below.
Closing date for receipt of applications is Midnight, Wednesday 8th November.