JobsPlus is an employer incentive which encourages and rewards employers who offer employment opportunities to individuals who are unemployed. It provides employers with two levels of payment: €7,500 or €10,000 over two years, with the level of payment depending on the age of the jobseeker and the length of time in receipt of a qualifying payment.
Eligible employers who recruit full-time employees may apply for the incentive.
The JobPlus scheme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union. The European Commission provides co-funding to JobsPlus for participants aged under 30 years under the European Social Fund (ESF+) Programme 2021-2027. Visit for more information.
If an employer decides to recruit an additional employee, they can complete the JobsPlus Online Application for Employers giving, for example, the name of company, size of workforce, bank details and economic sector of company. Once this is submitted an officer of the department will review and check the tax clearance certificate is in order and email the employer if it is approved.
Once eligibility is confirmed by the department, an employer may start to recruit. They could contact their local Intreo Centre to discuss their vacancy. They may also advertise the vacancy on
For information on how the JobsPlus scheme operates, an employer presentation is available here.
Once preliminary interviews have been conducted and candidates have been shortlisted employers should then ask these candidates log on and complete Jobplus Online Application for Employees to check their eligibility for JobsPlus.
The department will process their request and if found eligible, post a two-part JP1 form to the candidate. Part A of the JP1 form will confirm the employee's eligibility and rate of payment for a prospective employer, Part B is to be completed by the employer if they choose to employ the candidate.
The candidate should bring the two-part JP1 form confirming eligibility to the employer for consideration.
When an employer identifies the most suitable candidate for the position, they should complete part B of the JP1 form for that candidate, sign the declaration and return to the department. The JP1 form will be processed by us and once all conditions are satisfied, employers will be notified by e-mail that they have been awarded the incentive with regard to the employee specified on the JP1 form.
Once the candidate is offered a position they should contact the department to close their jobseekers claim. This can be done online at the Close My Jobseeker's Claim or by contacting their local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office. Payment of JobsPlus can only start once we confirm that the new employee's jobseeker claim has closed.
Disability Allowance or Blind Pension recipients should notify the relevant section about their commencement of employment.
It is also possible for a jobseeker to verify their eligibility as an employee for the JobsPlus incentive by applying online at JobsPlus at any time. The department will assess the person’s eligibility and issue a letter of approval/non-approval by post. A jobseeker’s eligibility as an employee for JobsPlus is valid at the time it is verified by the department and is re-confirmed on recruitment. Eligibility may be reviewed if there is a change in the jobseeker’s circumstances.
Payment will be made monthly in arrears by electronic fund transfer over a 24-month period. It will not be considered taxable for income or corporation tax purposes for the employer. The eligible JobsPlus employee must be on payroll and subject to PAYE and PRSI (Class A).
If approved, the employer will receive the following payments over a 2-year period for each eligible person they recruit and retain in employment.
Budget 2023 introduced some changes to the JobsPlus scheme which come into effect from January 2023.
From the 1 January 2023 the following rates apply:
Jobseeker, Disability Allowance / Blind Pension recipient aged under 30 | Jobseeker recipients includes claimants of: Jobseekers Allowance, Jobseekers Benefit, Jobseekers Self Employed, Part-Time Job Incentive and Credits Only claims. Disability Allowance and Blind Pension included from January 2023 | Must have 4 months (104 days) in the previous 6 months |
Jobseeker, Disability Allowance/Blind Pension recipient aged over 30 and under 50 | Jobseeker recipients includes claimants of: Jobseekers Allowance, Jobseekers Benefit, Jobseekers Self Employed, Part-Time Job Incentive and Credits Only claims. Disability Allowance and Blind Pension included from January 2023 | Must have 12 months (312 days) in the previous 18 months |
Persons with Refugee Status in receipt of a qualifying payments | No qualifying period applies | |
Jobseekers Transitional Payment | Former One-Parent Family Payment customers whose youngest child is at least 7 years of age and under 14, who transfer to the live register and are in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance Transitional Payment | No qualifying period applies |
Jobseeker, Disability Allowance/Blind Pension recipient aged under 50 | Jobseeker recipients includes claimants of: Jobseekers Allowance, Jobseekers Benefit, Jobseekers Self Employed, Part-Time Job Incentive and Credits Only claims. Disability Allowance and Blind Pension included from January 2023 | Must have 36 months (936 days) unemployed in the previous 42 months |
Jobseeker, Disability Allowance / Blind Pension recipient aged over 50 | Jobseeker recipients includes claimants of: Jobseekers Allowance, Jobseekers Benefit, Jobseekers Self Employed, Part-Time Job Incentive and Credits Only claims. Disability Allowance and Blind Pension included from January 2023 | Must have 12 months (312 days) in the previous 18 months |
Traveller or person of Roma ethnicity in receipt of a qualifying payment | 4 months (104) days in the previous 6 months | |
Person in receipt of a qualifying payment with a recent criminal record or a history of addiction (within previous 5 years) | 4 months (104) days in the previous 6 months |
Note: Time spent on a range of other education, training, work placement and activation support schemes can be considered when determining the required number of days in receipt of a qualifying payment.
Time spent in prison may count towards the qualifying time once entitlement to a qualifying social welfare payment is re-established.
Jobseekers not in receipt of jobseekers payment and signing for PRSI jobseeker credits will be also be eligible once they are the required number of days on the live register.
JobsPlus participants under the age of 30 are co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF+).
Employer/jobseeker can apply again online as normal for the JobsPlus Scheme.
Jobseekers should register online here
Employers should register online here
Please note, employers that were approved for the JobsPlus scheme in the past do not need to re-register.
Further information available from your local Intreo Centre or at the contact details below.
Operational guidelines describe the processes and procedures that staff in the department follow when carrying out their work.
JobsPlus is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union. Visit for more information.