Image: NYA GOI Logo

National Youth Assembly on Climate 2023

The National Youth Assembly on Climate took place on 11th March 2023 at Miesian Plaza, Baggot St, Dublin 2. The Assembly was hosted by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) in partnership with the National Participation Office.

The Assembly consisted of 50 young people, aged 12 – 24 years from across Ireland. Young delegates to the Assembly came from Comhairle na nÓg (youth councils), youth organisations and climate organisations. The Assembly’s recommendations will be considered by Government for inclusion in the Climate Action Plan 2024.

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman attended the Assembly and Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan addressed the Assembly via video.

In advance of the Assembly, each delegate was given the opportunity to vote on key themes arising from the previous National Youth Assembly on Climate 2022 . The three themes that received the most votes were the focus of this Assembly.

These were:

  • Sustainable transport,
  • Circular economy, and
  • Communication, engagement and climate literacy

In addition the delegates had an opportunity to discuss and make recommendations on any climate topic they choose to highlight at the ‘wildcard’ discussion group.

Throughout the day delegates attended workshops on the themes. They also discussed, deliberated and voted on their recommendations to Government. They presented these recommendations to the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.

As part of broader discussions on the day, delegates also shared their vision for a carbon neutral Ireland/world in 2050.

The Assembly also provided an opportunity for DCEDIY and DECC to seek the views of delegates on how children and young people would like to incorporate the SDGs into youth participation structures.

Assembly Recommendations

On the day, the Youth Assembly on Climate presented eight recommendations to the Department for the Environment, Climate and Communications. On May 2nd 2023, DECC also held a webinar at which delegates presented their recommendations to Minister Eamon Ryan for inclusion in the Government’s Climate Action Plan 2024.

A recording of the webinar will be available here shortly.

The eight recommendations of the National Youth Assembly on Climate 2023 are:

Sustainable Transport:

  • Increase Routes to and from rural areas to major towns and cities, taking into account unused transport networks i.e. old railway routes and lines.
  • Before considering penalties, it is important to provide adequate incentives for reducing traffic and car use, as well as investing more in public transport.
  • Improvements in safe transport infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians

Circular Economy

  • A tariff or tax on fast fashion should be imposed. The resulting revenue should be used to make sustainable options more affordable and accessible.
  • Offer financial incentives to businesses/enterprises to increase practices of circular economy and create legislation to promote long lasting, repairable production.
  • The development of legislation requiring products to include sustainable labelling

Communications and Engagement

  • Have a structured Climate education programme for all ages and backgrounds. For example, education in schools, colleges, PLCs, workplaces and communities on the subject of Climate change.
  • Implement a cohesive media and communication strategy which is accessible and translatable into multiple languages e.g. Irish, Braille, ISL.


  • The Government should stop investing in fossil fuels’ infrastructure and finance, instead investing heavily in renewable sources, reaching 100% green energy by 2035.
  • Farmers must receive increased support in order to be more sustainable. This has to be done through training, education, grants and incentives, making them part of the solution by 2030.

Climate Recommendation Poster 2023

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Report of the National Youth Assembly on Climate

The National Youth Assembly on Climate Report 2023 provides a detailed record of the Assembly discussions, capturing the views of young people from across Ireland and reflecting the concerns of young people in relation to climate issues.

This report is an integral part of the Government’s National Dialogue on Climate Action and presents the National Youth Assembly on Climate’s recommendations for consideration to include in Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2024.

The report is now available here.


National Youth Assembly on Climate Summary Report 2023

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Preparation of delegates for the Assembly

In addition to delegates being provided information in advance of the Assembly, they are given an opportunity to attend an online preparation session for delegates to get to know each other, to hear from invited speakers, climate policy experts, and to prepare for making recommendations to Government.

Delegates also have the opportunity to get clarity from policy makers by putting forward written questions to DECC in advance of the Assembly.

Workshops on the day of the Assembly also provided opportunities for delegates to develop their capacity to construct actionable recommendations to be considered by Government.

View a follow up session with Minister Ryan to the National Youth Assembly 2023 which took place on May 2nd 223 here.