Request for Tender and Contracts Templates
From Office of Government Procurement
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From Office of Government Procurement
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The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) has since April 2016 published a standard suite of templates. The templates, which are designed for above EU threshold tenders, are to be used by Contracting Authorities (Government Departments and State Bodies) for low to medium risk goods and services.
These templates have seen a number of revisions, for example, changes were required following the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018. There have also been minor changes relating to the formatting of the documents which took place in response to feedback from Contracting Authorities. The most recent amendment as of January 2019 is a result of the launch of the Electronic European Single Procurement Document (eESPD), this has led to the removal of the paper version of this form from the templates. The updated versions of the templates have also seen changes to the ‘Declaration as to Personal Circumstances of Tenderer’ alongside changes to the conflict of interest clause. There have also been some minor formatting updates throughout.
Contracting Authorities are advised to read the revised templates, user guides, Information Note – European Single Procurement Document and GDPR Information note carefully and to seek legal advice if required. Please note that the User Guides will be amended in due course to reflect the most recent changes to the templates.
The OGP should be contacted in the first instance regarding procurement requirements.
CAUTION: These documents are provided in a protected word format and should not be edited outside of the designated text boxes and free text areas. If a contracting authority does not wish for a relevant provision in these text boxes or free text areas to apply to the RFT, it must delete the red text above the paragraph and insert “Not Used”.
The OGP cannot provide unprotected versions of the templates. To do so will diminish the document’s legal standing. In the event that these documents are not deemed appropriate for a contracting authority’s unique requirements, the contracting authority may wish to consider drafting its own RFT. The OGP strongly advises that contracting authorities seek their own legal advice when developing their own procurement documents.
CAUTION: These documents are periodically updated on the website. It is advised that you always check the website to make sure you are using the most up to date version of the documents and not to reuse older templates as they may no longer be compliant with new legislation.
The following documents are to be used when initiating a tendering process:
These documents are to be used for the execution of the contract following the completion of the Request for Tender stage:
These documents are to be used for the execution of a confidentiality agreement:
These documents can be used after Contracting Authorities have considered the issues raised in the GDPR Information Note
Construction services and works template documents have not been updated and are available here .
The most recent EU Thresholds can be found below