Customer Service
From Department of Rural and Community Development
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From Department of Rural and Community Development
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The Department of Rural and Community Development published its first Customer Action Plan and Charter in June 2019 in line with the public service’s Customer Charter Initiative as part of its commitment to providing a quality customer service.
The Customer Action Plan details planned progress under each of the 12 Guiding Principles of Quality Customer Service. Each Principle is accompanied by specific objectives and targets with related performance indicators. The Customer Charter is a short statement which provides guidance and information to the public on contacting a Public Service organisation, and describes the level of service a customer can expect. Both are produced as part of the same process and published every three years, or where there is a strong business case for a new Action Plan and Charter.
During 2022 the Customer Charter and Action Plan 2019 – 2022 was reviewed and a new Charter and Action Plan for 2022 – 2025 was developed. These reports are available via the links below:
Review of 2019 - 2022 Customer Charter and Action Plan
In addition a leaflet outlining DRCD’s Customer Service Commitments and key related contact points has been developed and is available below:
The Customer Service Charter poster linked below sets out the standard of service our customers can expect to receive from us, and is displayed at the reception area of all the Department’s office locations:
If you are not satisfied that we are meeting the high standards set out by and expected of this department, or have concerns or complaints about any aspect of your dealings with us, we would encourage you to pursue this matter with us in writing.
Here’s what you can do to try and set it right:
Department of Rural and Community Development
Trinity Point, 10/11 Leinster Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 EF85
Tel: 01 7736860
Office of the Ombudsman,
6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773.
Tel: 01 639 5600
If you wish to make some suggestions for improvement as regards our services, please contact us by email or in writing at the address below. We welcome all feedback and will deal with your suggestions in a timely and confidential manner.
Department of Rural and Community Development
Trinity Point, 10/11 Leinster Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 EF85
Tel: 01 7736860