Funding for Outdoor Recreation Facilities
From Department of Rural and Community Development
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From Department of Rural and Community Development
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The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) provides funding for the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure. It also provides support for the necessary repair, maintenance, enhancement or promotion of existing outdoor recreational infrastructure in rural areas across Ireland.
ORIS provides funding for the development of new and existing outdoor recreational infrastructure in rural areas. It funds trails, cycleways, blueways, bridleways, outdoor amenities located near rivers, lakes and beaches.
The scheme invests in the physical infrastructure that underpins sporting and recreational activities based on the use of the resources of the countryside; these contribute to healthy active lifestyles while building on the economic and tourism potential of the area, and so are to the benefit of both local communities and tourist visitors alike. The scheme may also provide some limited funding for the marketing and promotion of such infrastructure, typically as part of a wider project involving capital supports.
The Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Applications are accepted from Local Authorities (All Measures), Local Development Companies (Measure 1) and State Bodies (Measure 3 and Project Development Measure) under the scheme:
Coillte is the largest provider of outdoor recreation in Ireland with significant outdoor recreation infrastructure across its properties. It has over 300 recreation sites and thousands of individual forest properties throughout the country.
The Department has a strategic partnership in place with Coillte and provides funding of in excess of €3 million annually to Coillte to enhance their recreational facilities and to support increased tourism and economic activity in rural areas.
In 2020, the Department approved funding of €480,000 to Mayo County Council to deliver the Sustainable Access & Habitat Restoration project on Croagh Patrick, Co.Mayo. This project was delivered in collaboration with the Croagh Patrick Stakeholders Group and is a flagship outdoor recreation project for the Department.
The aim of the project was to provide sustainable access to Croagh Patrick by addressing the substantial erosion/scarring of the mountain and the significant damage to the path caused by the more than 50,000 visitors every year.
The project uses a training-based model, under the supervision of an expert in path repair from Scotland. This model was chosen as there is limited existing capacity to undertake this work in Ireland and with a view to further developing local skills in this type of work.
The four trainees in the project are now trained in mountain path repair and the team has shared its experiences and helped other projects through on-site training of people involved with path work as well as the engagement with volunteers.
The project commenced in December 2020 and is expected to finish in March 2024. The works have substantially improved safety on the mountain as well as addressing the impact of recreational use on the habitat of the mountain.
If you have any questions about the Funding for Outdoor Recreation Facilities please contact