National Policy Statement on Electricity Interconnection 2023
From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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From Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
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Ireland’s plans to become central to Europe’s energy future are outlined in the new National Policy Statement on Electricity Interconnection. Electricity Interconnectors provide a way to share electricity between countries and proposed new interconnection developments, aligned with the State’s growing renewable energy sector, could allow Ireland to become a net exporter of electricity.
The proposed plans will see Ireland increase its electricity interconnection capacity and explore new interconnection opportunities with Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands as well as further connections to both Great Britain and France. The policy statement also outlines how a state-directed approach will ensure integrated forward planning, enabling the necessary infrastructure to unlock significant green energy export opportunities.
The role of interconnection will increase in importance as the renewable energy sector becomes a larger proportion of supply in the Irish and European electricity system, both in relation to the import and export of electricity. Increased interconnection helps balance electricity supply and demand between countries and provides a valuable back-up power supply for when electricity systems have reduced capacity. New interconnections will also allow for increased energy imports in the case of an adverse shock, which may occur during extreme weather events.
National Policy Statement on Electricity Interconnection 2023
We commissioned this study from DNV to identify the most likely implications for the Irish electricity sector from further cross-border interconnection. The study also indicates, based on a quantitative modelling, what the optimal and realistic interconnection capacities are with the objective of maximising socio-economic benefits.