Aquaculture & Foreshore Management
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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Mission Statement
The Aquaculture & Foreshore Management Division ensures the efficient and effective management of Aquaculture licensing and Foreshore licensing in respect of Aquaculture and Sea Fishery related activities.
Amendment to Aquaculture Licensing Guidance
Under Section 6 of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1997 (as amended), it is illegal to engage in aquaculture without an appropriate Aquaculture Licence. Aquaculture includes the culture or farming of fish, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic plants or any aquatic form of food suitable for the nutrition of fish. Land-based aquaculture may also require planning permission and a discharge permit from the local authority.
Aquaculture licensing is administered through the Aquaculture and Foreshore Management Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The Division also processes companion foreshore licences required for coastal aquaculture operations. The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine decides on applications made to the Division on the approved application form and accompanied by the appropriate fees. Any person who engages in aquaculture without a licence or who breaches the terms of a licence may be prosecuted through the Courts. Penalties can be severe and in addition to any fine imposed by the Court, the Minister may, by Order, also require the person convicted to remove any structures and/or equipment.
An application form for an aquaculture licence can be downloaded here or received from the Aquaculture Licensing Section, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, National Seafood Centre, Clonakilty, Co. Cork; Tel: 1890 25 27 41.
From September 2015 once an application goes to Public Notice the relevant documentation will be available on the website for information at the link below
Aquaculture and Foreshore Licence Templates have been developed which indicate the generic terms and conditions that apply to licences issued for the various types of aquaculture activity.
Aquaculture Marine (Multi-Method, Species) Template – July 2023
Aquaculture Marine Shellfish (Inter, Sub-Tidal) (Structures) Template – July 2023
Aquaculture Marine Shellfish (Longlines) Template – July 2023
Aquaculture Marine Shellfish Aquatic Plants, Fish Food (Longlines) Template – July 2023
Aquaculture Marine Shellfish Sea-Bed (Bottom Culture) Template – July 2023
Aquaculture Land-Based Shellfish (Freshwater Seawater) and other Invertebrates (Seawater)
The Appeals procedure for aquaculture licensing is handled by the independent Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board, established on 17 June 1998 under Section 22 of the Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1997. All Board members are engaged on a part-time basis. Customers, the public or environmental organisations aggrieved by a decision of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine on an aquaculture licence application, or by the revocation or amendment of an aquaculture licence, may make an appeal within one month of publication (in the case of a decision) or notification (in the case of revocation/amendment).
All appeals must be made in writing on the appeals application form, setting out the grounds of appeal further information may be found at
Key Legislation/Publications
The Marine Aquaculture Viewer contains mapping and details of licensed aquaculture sites including data sets form the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Marine Institute.
The Regulations Council Regulation (EC) No 708/2007 require the translocation/introduction of Alien and Locally Absent Species to be authorised by the Competent Authority, and to be recorded in a publicly available register. It allows exceptions for specific cases such as closed recirculation systems, where the risks of interactions with the external environment are minimal. It also recognises that some alien species have commonly been used in aquaculture for a long time in certain parts of the EU – for example, Carp and Pacific Oyster. These species, listed in Annex IV to the Regulation, are exempt from most provisions of the Regulation.
Aquaculture licence applications may be subject to environmental assessments under the Natural Habitats Regulations if located within or close to Natura 2000 conservation sites. For more information on conservation sites please contact the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
AA Screening for Aquaculture Activities at Garr Bridge, Rhode, T25/004
AA Screening for Aquaculture Activities at Gortdrum T26/020
Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Achill Sound North, Co. Mayo (March 2019)
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for aquaculture activities in Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay Special Area of Conservation (000627), Drumcliff Bay Special Protection Area (004013)and Cummeen Strand Special Protection Area (004035)(Natura2000 sites) (October2016)
Annex I- Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay (Sligo Bay) SAC AA Report
Report Supporting Appropriate Assessment of Extensive Aquaculture in Dunmanus Bay – June 2022
Report Supporting Appropriate Assessment of Extensive Aquaculture in Dunmanus Bay
Determination for Appropriate Assessment for T09/522A Mannin Bay
Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in West Connacht Coast – November 2021
Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture in West Connacht Coast - November 2021
Report supporting Appropriate Assessment of Extensive Aquaculture in Bantry Bay - March 2022
Report supporting Appropriate Assessment of Extensive Aquaculture in Bantry Bay March 2022
The Screening Matrix for Aquaculture Activities in Outer Bantry Bay – Aug 2020
Screening Matrix for Aquaculture activities in Outer Bantry Bay Aug 2020
The Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Cork Harbour SPA – updated April 2020
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture Activities in Cork Harbour SPA updated April 2020
The Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Great Island SAC – June 2019
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture Activities in Great Island SAC June 2019
The Article 6 Assessment of Aquaculture and Fisheries Activities in Roaringwater Bay- January 2019.-June 2013
The Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Kinsale Harbour – January 2019.
Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Kinsale Harbour – January 2019
The Appropriate Assessment for Clonakilty Bay Special Area of Conservation addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the Clonakilty Bay SAC on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Clonakilty Bay SAC Apr 2021
The Appropriate Assessment for Clonakilty Bay Special Protection Area addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the Clonakilty Bay SPA on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Clonakilty Bay SPA Apr 2021
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Slieve Tooey, Tormore Island, Loughros Beg Bay SAC
Report Supporting Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Rutland Island and Sound SAC November 2022
Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Fintragh Bay - December 2020
Appropriate Assessment Screening for Aquaculture Activities in Fintragh Bay - December 2020
The Appropriate Assessment for Mulroy Bay Special Area of Conservation addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the Mulroy Bay SAC on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Mulroy Bay SAC Jan 2021
The Appropriate Assessment for Sheephaven Special Area of Conservation addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the Sheephaven SAC on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Sheephaven SAC January 2021
The Appropriate Assessments for the North Inishowen Coast Special Area of Conservation and Trawbreaga Bay Special Protection Area addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the North Inishowen Coast SAC and the Trawbreaga SPA on the conservation objectives of those Natura 2000 sites.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in the North Inishowen Coast SAC August 2021
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in the Trawbreaga Bay SPA August 2021
The Carlingford Lough Appropriate Assessment Reports 2022 address the potential ecological impacts of fishing and aquaculture activities within the Carlingford Shore SAC and Carlingford Lough SPA (Natura sites) on the Conservation Objectives and Special Conservation Interests of the Natura sites.
The Carlingford Lough Appropriate Assessment 2019
Carlingford Shore Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Revised November 2022
address the potential ecological impacts of fishing and aquaculture activities within the Carlingford Shore SAC and Carlingford Lough SPA (Natura sites) on the Conservation Objectives and Special Conservation Interests of the Natura sites.
The Appropriate Assessment for Ballyteigue Burrow Special Area of Conservation addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the Ballyteigue Burrow SAC on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Ballyteigue Burrow SAC April 2020
The Appropriate Assessment for Ballyteigue Burrow Special Protection Area addresses the potential ecological impacts of aquaculture activities within the Ballyteigue Burrow SPA on the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site.
Appropriate Assessment of Aquaculture in Ballyteigue Burrow SPA August 2020
All applications in 'Natura 2000' areas are required to be appropriately assessed for the purpose of environmental compliance with the EU Habitats/Birds Directives.
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for aquaculture activities in Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay Special Area of Conservation (000627), Drumcliff Bay Special Protection Area (004013)and Cummeen Strand Special Protection Area (004035)(Natura2000 sites) (October2016)
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in Ballyteigue Burrow SAC and SPA
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in Ballyteigue Burrow SAC and SPA
Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in West Connacht Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in West Connacht Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Carlingford Shore SAC and Carlingford Lough SPA November 2022
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Carlingford Shore SAC and Carlingford Lough SPA November 2022
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Carlingford Shore SAC and Carlingford Lough SPA
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Carlingford Shore SAC and Carlingford Lough SPA
The Updated Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Roaringwater Bay and the Islands Special Area of Conservation (SAC) March 2022
Updated Final Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement Roaring Water Bay & Islands March 2022
Conclusion Statement Cork Harbour October 2022
The Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Roaringwater Bay and the Islands Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
This Draft Conclusion Statement outlines how it is proposed to licence and manage aquaculture activities in Clonakilty Bay SAC and Clonakilty Bay SPA in compliance with the EU Birds and Habitats Directives.
Draft Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in Clonakilty Bay SPA and SAC
Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities In Clonakilty Bay
Final Conclusion Statement Slieve Tooey, Tormore Island & Loughros Beg Bay SAC
Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Rutland Island and Sound SAC August 2022
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement by the Licensing Authority for aquaculture activities in the North Inishowen Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (Natura 2000 Site Code: 002012), and the Trawbreaga Bay Special Protection Area (SPA) (Natura 2000 Site Code: 004034) (July 2022)
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Mulroy Bay SAC (Natura 2000 Site Code 002159) October 2021
Appropriate Assessment Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Sheephaven SAC (Natura 2000 Site Code 001190) October 2021
This Conclusion Statement outlines how it is proposed to licence and manage aquaculture activities in River Barrow and River Nore SAC in compliance with the EU Birds and Habitats Directives.
Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in River Barrow and River Nore Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (Natura 2000 Site Code 002162) (Updated February 2021)
Draft Conclusion Statement for Aquaculture Activities in Valentia Harbour/Portmagee Channel SAC (Site Code: 2262)
This Draft Conclusion Statement outlines how it is proposed to licence and manage aquaculture activities in Ballyteigue Burrow SAC and Ballyteigue Burrow SPA in compliance with the EU Birds and Habitats Directives.
Draft Conclusion Statement by Licensing Authority for Aquaculture Activities in Ballyteigue Burrow SAC and Ballyteigue Burrow SPA
The Minister may require an applicant to submit an Environmental Impact Statement if the Minister considers that the proposed aquaculture is likely to have significant effects on the environment.
Implementation of the Shellfish Waters Directive is now a matter for the Department of Housing, Local Government and the Heritage
For further information on applying for an aquaculture licence please see the Aquaculture Licence Application Form and Guidelines on our Forms and Downloads
The Foreshore Acts 1933 - 2011 require that a lease or licence must be obtained from the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine for works undertaken on the foreshore which are deemed to be:
(i) an activity which is wholly or primarily for the use, development or support of aquaculture, or
(ii) an activity which is wholly or primarily for the use, development or support of sea-fishing including the processing and sale of sea-fish and manufacture of products derived from sea-fish.
The foreshore is classed as the land and seabed between the high water of ordinary or medium tides (shown HWM on Ordnance Survey maps) and the twelve mile limit (12 nautical miles equals approximately 22.24 kilometers).
The Foreshore Acts 1933 to 2011 include the following:
Certain developments on State-owned foreshore are subject to the European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 1989 to 1999, requiring the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement which must be provided to the consultative organisations specified in the European Communities (Foreshore) Regulations 2009 (SI No. 404 of 2009).
All of these Acts are available at
For further information please see the Foreshore Application Form and Guidelines below
Please read the appropriate guidelines prior to making an application for a foreshore lease / licence to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Marine Finfish Farm Sample Proposed Site Layout Drawing
European Communities (Control of Dangerous Substances in Aquaculture) Regulations 2008 (S.I. 466 of 2008) European Communities (Control of Dangerous Substances in Aquaculture) Regulations 2008 (S.I. 466 of 2008)
Foreshore Leases/Licences/Permissions - Application Form & Guidelines
Please return completed application forms with accompanying documentation to:
Aquaculture Licences - Application Forms & Guidelines
Amendment to Aquaculture Licensing Guidance Notes April 2021 for Marine based Shellfish & Aquatic Plants
Department Unofficial Consolidated Version S.I. No. 236/1998
Fill in this form to apply for an Aquaculture and Foreshore Licence for a single specific site.
The Strategic Objectives of the Aquaculture & Foreshore Management Division are:
to develop and manage an efficient and effective regulatory framework in respect of Aquaculture licensing and Foreshore licensing of Aquaculture and Sea Fishery related activities;
to secure a fair financial return from the State's foreshore estate in the context of Aquaculture licensing and Foreshore licensing in respect of Aquaculture and Sea Fishery related activities;
to progressively reduce arrears in the clearing of licence applications.