European Innovation Partnership Scheme
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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The European Innovation Partnership Scheme funds projects that allow farmers, scientists and other experts to collaborate together to develop new practices that are environmentally friendly and economically sustainable.
The ultimate aim of these innovation partnerships is to road-test new ideas and practices which can then be used more widely by farmers and others to improve productivity and enhance resource efficiency.
Open calls for proposals were made in December 2016 and August 2017. The deadline for these calls has now passed. Proposals were assessed on set criteria and projects could focus on specific areas including:
Successful applicants proposed projects designed to improve efficiency and sustainability in farming such as:
A number of the schemes have a specific geographical focus such:
Some of the projects focus on protecting wildlife and biodiversity such as:
Other Schemes are aimed at promoting alternative fuels:
Projects can get up to 100% funding. The total funding for the scheme across all projects is €59 million under the Rural Development Programme 2014–2020. The scheme is co-funded with the European Union.
Wader Action Zone shapefiles will be made available to applicants on request to:
Please note that the closing date for the Breeding Waders EIP Call has been extended to 5:00p.m on Tuesday, 30 January 2024.
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