Make a Freedom of Information request
From Department of Foreign Affairs
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From Department of Foreign Affairs
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The Freedom of Information Act 2014 allows you to access, to the greatest extent possible, information held by the department. It gives you the right to have your personal data corrected or updated and to get reasons for decisions taken by the department that affect you.
Before submitting - please note that the Freedom of Information Section deals exclusively with requests for records under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and cannot deal with other queries.
If you have a passport-related query please use our passport contact page, where our customer service teams will assist you.
If you have a query regarding Foreign Birth Registration (FBR), you may find the information you are seeking at FBR Applications.
Details of how to contact the FBR Section by phone or web-chat can be found at FBR Contact.
If your query relates to visas, marriages abroad, press/media or any other matter, the contact details of the relevant sections in the Department of Foreign Affairs can be found on the Department’s contacts details page gov - Contact us (