All Dangerous Substance Licence applications submitted after 31st March 2020 must be in accordance with SI 630 or SI 631 as appropriate and must include a Risk Assessment carried out by a competent person in the form outlined in the Regulations. The required documentation required for a valid application is set out in the Regulations.
The current regulations and guidance on complying with them can be found following the link Dangerous Substances Regulations and Risk Assessments.
The relevant fees can be calculated by referring to S.I. No. 301 /1979- Dangerous Substance (Licensing Fees) Regulations, 1979.
More information for the petroleum industry can be found by following this link and see forms below:
Application Forms and a modal electrical form are linked below. Please make cheques payable to Meath County Council and post the application with all the required supporting documentation to The Chief Fire Officer, Navan Fire Station, Abbey Road, Navan, Co. Meath. If you have any queries, please contact Navan Fire Station at 046-9051068.