Organic Capital Investment Scheme
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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TAMS 3 Organic Capital Investment Scheme (OCIS) is now open for applications. Applications can be made through your account.
The Organic Capital Investment Scheme will facilitate the development of the organic sector to ensure a regular supply of high-quality organic produce to the market.
It also aims to provide an incentive to organic farmers who are current participants of the Organic Farming Scheme to upgrade their agricultural buildings and equipment by providing them with an increased level of support to meet the considerable capital costs associated with the establishment of their enterprises.
Grant aid will only be paid on approved, completed, and eligible expenditure and shall be paid at the rate of 40% for licensed organic operators and 60% for farmers who are also current participants of the Organic Farming Scheme up to the applicable TAMS 3 maximum investment ceiling of €90,000 per holding. In the case of an application by two or more eligible partners in a partnership registered on this department’s Register of Farm Partnership the maximum eligible investment ceiling shall be increased to €160,000. Multiple applications per tranche are permissible. However, the minimum amount of investment which is eligible for approval under this Scheme is €2,000 per application.