Research and Codex
From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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From Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
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DAFM previously operated three separate ‘public good’ competitive research funding programmes covering agriculture ‘Research Stimulus Fund (RSF)’, food ‘Food Institutional Research Measure (FIRM), and forestry ‘Programme of Competitive Forest Research for Development (CoFoRD)’. In December 2020, DAFM updated this Programme which now comprises of the following five strands:
Launched periodically, this strand covers experimental research under broad thematic, cross-cutting and mission-orientated approaches to key RDI challenges. The inclusion of ‘other eligible actors’ will be piloted with the aim to include the activities of ‘innovation intermediaries’ to support RPOs with the wider stakeholder knowledge transfer/dissemination activities of the project and encourage a multi-actor engagement in the projects. Co-funding with other agencies continues as a feature of this programme.
By facilitating participation in relevant competitive calls operated trans/inter-nationally, this strand enables researchers in Irish RPOs to leverage expertise, data, and other infrastructure not readily available in Ireland and help embed them in multi country consortia that are better placed to compete under large non-Exchequer funded Calls.
The Strategic Studies Research strand is designed to provide a more flexible funding vehicle capable of addressing mainly policy issues more rapidly whilst still requiring scientific rigour. Research Calls are frequently opened based on specific topics identified by DAFM to address immediate or short- to medium-term strategic/policy needs.
This will comprise two industry-oriented initiatives:
• Research Plus, which aims to bring completed or near completed DAFM funded projects to a point where they are eligible for funding under programmes operated by other organisations in particular EI’s Commercialisation Programme.
• Innovation Platform, will facilitate industry-led, higher TRL level, 5-year collaborative research with RPOs with mandatory industry co-funding of 30%.
This strand will be used on an on-going basis to fund relevant miscellaneous ancillary coordination and support type activities relating to research undertaken by DAFM-funded RPO based researchers as deemed appropriate.
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