Rural Regeneration and Development Fund
From Department of Rural and Community Development
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From Department of Rural and Community Development
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The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) is a key capital investment scheme which directly supports the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First policy.
The RRDF supports projects that have the potential to revitalise rural towns and villages in line with the Town Centre First Policy through planned and sustainable regeneration that will drive greater economic activity and footfall, address vacancy and dereliction and ensure the reuse of heritage and other existing buildings and provide the necessary facilities and infrastructure in settlements, which will assist in attracting people to live, work and invest in rural areas.
Calls for applications to the Fund are sought under two categories – Category 1 and Category 2. Category 1 relates to large scale ambitious capital projects with all necessary planning and other consents in place, and which are ready to proceed. Category 2 provides smaller grant funding to enable the development of project proposals suitable for future calls for Category 1 applications.
The RRDF is targeted at settlements and rural areas with fewer than 10,000 people which are located outside the five city metropolitan areas (based on the 2022 census).
Funding is awarded through a competitive bid process. Since the launch of the RRDF funding of €584 million has been allocated to 243 projects. A list of the successful projects under each call to date is available here .
The fund supports coordinated and integrated projects between government departments, State agencies, local authorities, other public bodies, communities and, where appropriate, philanthropic funders and/or the private sector, which will have an impact on sustainable economic and social development in rural areas.
The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund can fund projects including (but not limited to):
Funding is awarded through a competitive bid process.
Proposals are invited from Local Authorities, and other locally/regionally based organisations, such as Local Development Companies, as well as government departments and State agencies. For the purpose of accountability and oversight, the lead partner of all projects must be a State funded body, but collaboration with the private sector is encouraged.
Proposals may be made in respect of towns with populations of 10,000 or fewer and their outlying areas. A limited number of specified towns with a population of 10,000 or fewer will be eligible for support under the Urban Regeneration Fund which is being operated by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; however, funding will only be provided under one fund for any particular project.
A list of the funded projects to date is available here.
The Fourth Call for Category 2 applications is now open.
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, opened the Fourth Call for Category 2 proposals for the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) in October 2024.
The Fund provides investment to support suitable projects in towns and villages with a population of less than 10,000, and outlying areas, which will deliver on the National Strategic Objective of Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities and achieve sustainable economic and social development in these areas.
Projects that will be funded under Category 2 are for ambitious projects that need funding to further develop the proposal and bring it to a stage where it is ready to apply to future Category 1 call under the RRDF.
The deadline for submission of applications is 14th March 2025.
Application Form - RRDF Category 2 fourth call
Rural Regeneration and Development Fund Fourth Call for Category 2 applications. Published February 2025.
RRDF Fourth Call for Category 2 Applications: Scheme Outline and Information Booklet
RRDF Fourth Call for Category 2 Applications: Scheme Outline and Information Booklet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fourth Call for Category 2 RRDF Applications.
Approved project status review
Rural Regeneration and Development Fund Fourth Call for Category 2 applications. Published October 2024.
Evaluation and monitoring plan
Rural Regeneration and Development Fund Fourth Call for Category 2 applications. Published October 2024.
Additional Information for Hub Projects
RRDF Fourth Call New Hub Developments – Additional Information. Published October 2024.
Information on funding allocated to the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund can be found here: Funding allocated to schemes and programmes
To keep up to date with any news regarding the RRDF, including the announcement of future calls for applications, subscribe to our mailing list here: